Opens for Polish participation in first Hoppuka race – VG


POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE? Klemens Muranka has run two crown tests with different results. Now there is a dramatic battle behind the scenes to prepare Poland for Tuesday’s race. Photo: KIMMO BRANDT / COMPIC

OBERSTDORF / OSLO (VG) Polish jumper Klemens Muranka is said to have given a negative rapid test. After an emergency meeting on Monday night, the Polish participation will be opened if they can deliver a new series of negative tests on Tuesday morning.


Ski jumper Muranka tested positive for the coronavirus on Sunday before the opening of jumping week in Oberstdorf. As a result, the entire Polish team could not participate in Monday’s qualifying at Schattenbergbakken.

The decision of the German health authorities initially also ended Poland’s participation in Tuesday’s race, and the overall chances also seemed to be over for reigning champion Dawid Kubacki and his teammates.

A team leaders meeting was held on Monday evening, where it was agreed that the Polish jumpers might still have the chance.

A second test came back negative for Muranka, and now it is open to Polish participation if a third set of tests is also negative.

– If it is negative, the local health authorities say that Poland can participate again. Then the seven Poles will have the opportunity to do a test jump tomorrow and then there will be a race with everyone who was on the starting list today, and without a dueling system, says the sport manager of the Norwegian national jumping team , Clas Brede Bråthen to VG.

In that case, there will be 62 athletes on the starting line in Tuesday’s race in Oberstdorf.

– I really think that is the only sensible result we could get. These are extreme times. We must fully understand that this is very demanding for the German health authorities, Polish athletes and Polish jumps. It is demanding for FIS and it is a demanding situation for everyone. I’m glad we can find solutions that put the sport in focus, says Bråthen.

– As it is now, I sincerely hope the third test is negative. There are only winners. First of all, the “shit” has not taken over the Polish team and we managed to have a competition that will be like a normal first round, says Bråthen, who is also aware that it will make Hoppuka better sportingly.

The sporting director also says there was no disagreement during Monday’s meeting, where the Norwegian side’s support for the solution that was outlined was expressed.

The Polish side worked hard to ensure that Poland was still represented in the beginning. Ski president Apoloniusz Tajner is said to have been among those who demanded that the decision to refuse entry be reversed.

Also the country’s Sports Minister, Piotr Glinski notified on your Twitter account that the case was dealt with at the highest level:

– We are in contact with the president of the ski association. We will demand that the Polish jumpers be reinstated to the competition from tomorrow.

The Polish media further write that everyone in the Polish camp went through a new round of testing on Monday. Answers to these are available as per plan on Tuesday morning.
