Online trouble for TV campaign, but cheers at the end – VG


HEALTH: Robert Stoltenberg (presenter), Vibecke Østby (television campaign leader), Ingrid Gjessing Linhave (presenter), Karoline Andaur (WWF general secretary) and Mikkel Niva (presenter) applaud 215 million for the first fully digital television campaign

Corona problems, municipal boycott, rollover problems and splice problems. However, more than NOK 215 million were received.

There has been great excitement about how much this year’s revenue drive will raise for WWF (Vedens Naturfond). There have been many challenges. The crown situation has not only meant that no one has been visited by gay men.

The action has been controversial and, according to WWF, 32 municipalities have said they will not come forward.

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Vipps had problems at the beginning of the TV broadcast tonight. But now everything works as it should, reports press contact Hanne Kjærnes.

Spleis had problems with Vipps on Sunday night.

– We had problems in the beginning with the payment against Vipps, but everything works as it should now, says the general manager of splicing, Bjørn Kjetil Hellestræ to VG 21.45

There has been great excitement about how much this year’s income drive will raise for WWF. By 6pm, NOK 45 million had been received for this year’s television campaign. Three hours later, this number had reached 46.5 million. A short time later, the same number had reached 94 million.

And when Prime Minister Erna Solberg arrived with a check for 50 million, this year’s television campaign surpassed 215 million crowns just after 11 p.m.

The Vipps trick during the broadcast of the television campaign on NRK little more than kl. 21.00 resulted in 1.5 million crowns for the television campaign in a few minutes.

A new overview of the country at 10pm showed that NOK 135 million had been received.

There is still a long way to go for WWF until the 240.5 million who came to Care last year.

– It’s a completely different year, a completely different kind of action. We will not compare ourselves with previous actions. One thing we’ve learned from 2020 is that not everything should go our way. But luckily the payment problems are solved. When it comes to the 32 municipalities, we just have to respect their position. If it has any effect on the result, we cannot say anything until we have entered the figures. But the biggest impact on the result is that we have not been able to knock on all the doors as the television campaign tends to do, says press officer Julie Wentzel Frøland of WWF to VG.

– And adds. In any case, we can now be happy to have so far NOK 135 million for a very important job to combat plastic waste. in southeast asia

On Sunday evening, Prime Minister Erna Solberg shared a picture of Runde fuglefjell in Herøy that shows a bird’s nest constructed of plastic.

“It exemplifies well how the plastic in the sea destroys and kills nature. We cannot accept that », tweets Solberg, who encourages people to support WWF.

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