One person hit by three who fell in Slottsparken – NRK Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio


– The man who was hit by a tree in Slottsparken is conscious, reports Oslo 110-central to NRK.

– We received a message from a guard about a person who had been hit by a tree. The tree had fallen in the wind, police operations manager Tor Gulbrandsen tells NRK.

According to the police, the man suffered minor injuries. They have taken him to the emergency room where they are examining him.

Three fell at Slottsparken.

The cleanup started quickly after a tree finally blew up at Slottsparken in Oslo.

Photo: Helene Halvorsen Rossholt / NRK

Ask people to be careful

Also in other parts of Oslo, a person is said to have been hit by a tree which gave way to the strong wind. The Urban Environment Agency has been notified that the tree struck a hiker in Frognerbekkdalen. There is a widely used hiking trail in the valley, which lies between Frognerparken and Drammensveien.

Overturned tree in Frognerbekkdalen.

In the popular hiking area Frognerbekkdalen, a tree fell this afternoon.

Photo: Christopher Isachsen Sandøy / NRK

– Currently we do not know more about the condition of the person. We have asked the contractor to remove the tree, says Guro Birkeland Tangen at the urban environment agency.

She asks people to follow her when the wind is strong.

– We encourage people to be a little more careful when moving to the country and parking on days like this. Old trees can lose branches and trees can even fall, although this is not common, Tangen writes in an email to NRK.

She says the agency regularly checks the condition of trees in parks and other parts of the city.

Strong wind

There has been a strong wind in the eastern region throughout the day.

At Romerike, many lost power due to the wind. The wind is expected to pick up throughout the afternoon, before it calms down, writes Romerikes Blad.

Police also moved to Jansløkka’s school in Asker, where a falling tree struck a cable.

– The municipality has been notified and the fire service is working on the scene. It fell on Kirkeveien, says Gulbrandsen.

Shortly before 4 p.m., police wrote on Twitter that the road had been cleared, but the pedestrian and bicycle lane was still blocked. There are no injured people.

The castle: avoid the park

The Royal House has also noticed the strong wind. In a message sent this afternoon, they are asking people to find other transit routes:

“Due to strong gusts of wind, we advise all Slottsparken users to avoid passing until the wind has subsided. Queen’s Park will be closed for the day.”

The accident happened at Slottsparken in central Oslo.
