One in five LGBT people in the Church of Norway has suffered discrimination – NRK Kultur og underholdning


Skeive has practiced this on his shoulders for a long time. Now is the time for more people to take a stand so we don’t have to deal with these situations, says Petter Dille.

He works as a priest in Ullern meinigheit and uses Instagram to promote openness about diversity in the church. He himself is gay and a priest.

And it is not always easy.

A new report commissioned by the Church Council shows that every day for lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) people in the church is generally positive. At the same time, there are serious exceptions.

  • One in five people suffer discrimination
  • Some experience direct harassment and discrimination, but usually from volunteers and users rather than colleagues.
  • Some have experienced rejection, and several fear being rejected, something that creates insecurity in meetings with colleagues and in the work environment.

There is also something the Instagram pastor can feel that about.


– If I am going to be open, I must know that I get support from the employer, colleague and meinigheita in case I encounter resistance due to my identity, he says.

He adds that this is an additional burden that he experiences because he is queer and wants to be able to stop thinking about his orientation when applying for a job.

– I’ll probably always have that thought in the back of my mind, he says.

According to Dille, many people are afraid to go out because they are not sure how they will be received.

This fear of rejection, and the feeling that one is sometimes the subject of discussion at work, is very demanding for many. This is called “minority stress” in the report.

Therefore, many people especially appreciate the fact that Dille uses social media to address LGBT issues in the church.

– I get a lot of comments from people on Instagram and from real life, saying it means something.

Petter Dille, pastor of Ullern Church

SAFE: In the Ullern congregation, Petter Dille feels right at home. But it doesn’t take for granted that you can feel good anywhere, when you’re so open with your whole identity.

Photo: Ida Yasin andersen / nrk

It can have serious consequences.

Tor Håkon Eiken, deputy director of Skeivt Kristent Nettverk, says that many people feel resigned to discrimination. For some, it can have serious consequences.

– One has the feeling that: ‘Do I have to go through this one more time? Do I have to defend myself one more time? “

– It’s almost as if one begins to accept that this is just the situation. Either I have to live with this or I have to be in another city.

Nestleiar in Skeivt Kristent Nettverk (SKN), Tor Håkon Eiken.

DARE TO SPEAK: – When one dares to investigate and dares to talk about the situation and show the results, we get changes, he says.


He thinks the Church of Norway is taking a big step in the right direction by conducting this research and hopes it can contribute to a more tolerant church.

When one dares to investigate and dares to talk about the situation and make the results visible, we get changes, he says.

Take it very seriously

And precisely making changes and creating a safe workplace is the goal of this report.

Kristin Raaum - Church council leader

MINORITY STRESS: People are tired of being on guard all the time because they are unsure of the reactions they will get. Some are outraged that the life one lives must be the cause of the church.

Photo: Oda Elise Svelstad / NRK

– I think the more knowledge we have about this, the more we talk about it, the easier it will also be for heterosexuals to understand what bullying is and how difficult it is.

Kristin Raaum, leader of the church council, wins.

Now this knowledge will spread to all parts of the church.

– This is something that we, as a church, take very seriously and there is a broad consensus that we must take responsibility to understand more about what it is like to work in the church with an LGBT identity, he concludes.
