On Saturday, there may be a strike in the hotel – E24


Fellesforbundet has announced the resignation of nearly 800 hotel employees as of Saturday. The deadline to reach an agreement in mediation is midnight on Friday.

The Radisson Blu hotel in Tromsø is one of the places where the resignation is notified if the parties to the mediation do not reach an agreement.

Terje Pedersen / NTB


This week there is mediation in the National Pact, where Fellesforbundet has more than 7,500 partners in hotels, restaurants, canteens and catering companies. The deadline for mediation is set for midnight on Friday, which could mean a strike starting Saturday morning, Fellesforbundet reports.

On Monday, Fellesforbundet announced the resignation of 774 employees at 36 hotels in Kristiansand, Stavanger, Bergen and Tromsø.

A key issue in the negotiations is the extensive use of on-call substitutes and extra help in the industry.

– We have chosen to make limited withdrawals as it is a difficult situation in the industry. If we do not reach a solution and there is a conflict, the withdrawal will, of course, intensify significantly, says Fellesforbundet head of negotiations, Clas Delp.

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