– Of course we must make changes – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


This article is over a month old and may contain outdated advice from authorities regarding coronary heart disease.

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As of midnight on Friday night, 17,233 people infected with corona were registered in Norway.

This is an increase of 270 cases reported in the last 24 hours. There are also 78 more than the day before and 86 more than at the same time last week.

Thus, we are approaching the level of March with regard to registered infected. At the time, Norway had at most 200 to 300 daily cases of infection, peaking on March 24 with 313 recorded cases of infection.

At the same time, Norway’s testing capacity has increased since March. In total, more than 1.54 million people have been tested for coronavirus in Norway.

– It is clear that we must make changes to be successful in continuing to control the pandemic in Norway. First of all, we must ensure that compliance with current advice and measures is reinforced. There are too many examples of infection control being put into practice, and we need to work harder in settings and situations where we know the risk of infection is higher, says Espen Nakstad of NRK’s ​​Norwegian Health Directorate.

The situation cannot be compared to March

He says they didn’t catch as many cases in March as they do now, but the numbers are still worrying.

– Of course, we also continually consider other measures that may be relevant where the infection is higher, he adds.

Nakstad cannot say more about which measures may be relevant:

Preben Aavitsland

NOT NEW WAVE: Preben Aavitsland Chief Physician of the National Institute of Public Health. He says that the current situation is not comparable to that of March.

Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder

– Much can be gained from improving compliance both in the general population and in settings where infection is highest, for example in workplaces where business travelers enter and leave the country, says Nakstad.

He had previously expressed concern about infection among foreign workers in Norway on short-term employment contracts.

For NRK, Nakstad elaborates:

– Continue with things like the practice of supervising and tracking those who are exempt from quarantine. This applies, for example, to business travelers coming to Norway who are allowed to work after a negative test, but who must be followed up with infection control measures beyond that, says Nakstad. .

In the last week, a total of 962 new coronary cases have been reported in Norway, according to preliminary figures from the national infectious disease notification system (MSIS).

Chief Physician Preben Aavitsland of the National Institute of Public Health says it is not possible to compare the current situation with the situation in March.

The highest number in Oslo in two weeks

– Because in March we detected a very small proportion of cases, so we estimate that in March and April several thousand were infected, but now we find about half of the cases. So now we have a much better overview, says Aavitsland.

In Oslo alone, there have been 79 new infections in the last 24 hours, according to recent figures from the municipality. This is the highest number in more than two weeks.

In the last two weeks, 662 infected people have been registered in the capital. Aavitsland said Thursday that he is concerned that big cities will lose control of the virus.

On Friday, he told NRK that we must watch over a longer period of time how the situation in Oslo develops.

– It is clear that in Oslo it still requires a lot of effort. The numbers in Oslo have gone up and down a bit, so we can see with a bigger perspective in which direction Oslo is going, says Aavitsland.

Several regional outbreaks have recently been reported. Pupils from three high schools in Hedmark have been quarantined on suspicion of coronary heart disease. Hamar Cathedral School is closed today.

Hamar Cathedral School, Katta

CLOSED: The Hamar Cathedral School is closed after the upper secondary school students in Hedmark were quarantined.

Photo: Mette Finborud Børresen

Various local shoots

In Gjøvik, there are now more than 300 in quarantine and care centers are closed to visitors, following an outbreak of infection in the municipality.

On Friday, municipal chief physician Siri Fuglum Berg confirmed to NRK that another person had been confirmed infected in Gjøvik. The total number of infected in the municipality is thus 17.

In Trondheim, 220 NTNU students have been quarantined, after two students from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences were diagnosed with covid-19. Since before, 1000 people are in quarantine in the city.

Health North is also now on yellow alert and the National Institute of Public Health has dispatched one of its infection tracking teams to help out at Hammerfest, due to increased infections in Hammerfest and Tromsø.

19 employees are infected and 120 are in quarantine at Finnmark Hospital, the hospital reported Friday. A total of 29 are infected at Hammerfest.

In addition, Hallingdølen reports that the municipality of Gol has deployed crisis personnel and introduced a series of measures after five new cases of coronary heart disease were registered. 145 are in quarantine.

It is not a new wave of infection

Aavitsland is clear that Norway is not in a new wave of infection:

– We don’t want to call it a new wave now, a new wave is what they have in Europe. We are not in Norway at all and we do not intend to arrive either. But we will have to look ahead a bit and be prepared for things to go wrong, and then we will have to think about what to do then, says Aavitsland.

44 corona patients were hospitalized Thursday. That’s eight more than the day before, and the highest number since May 22.

Four people in Norway are now receiving respiratory treatment, all at the Oslo University Hospital. June 26 was the last time so many received intensive care.

FHI has recorded 279 coronary disease-related deaths in this country since March.

The largest group of dead is between 80 and 89 years old, and 52% of the dead are men. FHI emphasizes that it is not always possible to determine whether those infected with corona have died or with covid-19.
