ODM, taxes | MDG will dramatically increase the seat fee:


The new tax and fee proposals generate strong reactions.

The Green Party (ODM) has presented its alternative budget, with steep tax increases in several areas. The MDGs will increase taxes by NOK 10.5 billion and tariffs by NOK 22 billion.

A new seat tax alone will bring in NOK 13 billion, while VAT on meat will be increased from 15 to 25 percent, corresponding to NOK 1.8 billion per year.

– The core of the budget is a redistributive tax policy and a tax policy based on the principle that the polluter must pay, says party leader Une Bastholm.

The alternative budget implies a new seat fee of NOK 500 between major cities in Norway and Europe, and of NOK 800 for flights outside Europe.

Also Read: If Businesses Survive Corona Pandemic, Billion Red-Green Tax Bill Awaits

– They want to take the life of the aviation industry.

Progress Party transport policy spokesman Bård Hoksrud reacts strongly to the proposal:

– The introduction of a floating seat fee, and even so violently high, will be a blow to the aviation industry which is now in a violent crisis as a result of the corona pandemic.

Hoksrud points out that the industry is now so affected by the crisis that FrP had to demand that the tax on air passengers be eliminated for the whole of next year in negotiations on the latest crisis package. It was also agreed to increase government purchases of air routes.

Also read: FRP attacks Oslo City Council for controversial road plan: – We must exceed the MDGs

– The aviation industry will never grow again if this becomes a reality, but that is probably exactly what the MDGs want, says Hoksrud.

On the contrary, he believes that it is important now to ease the taxes that affect aviation:

– This in itself is probably not enough either, you have to put in place a plan for aviation. That ODM then believes that one should add a fee of 500 to 800 crowns per seat, or they can’t count or they want the industry to leave, Hoksrud says.

– Does not represent believers

Stefan Heggelund, Conservative Party spokesperson for energy and environmental policy, also reacts spontaneously to the MDG proposal:

– In Norway, you can raise taxes more than any other party in the Storting, even more than Rødt, and still call yourself an independent bloc. Unfortunately, it does not mean believers.

Politics will affect both the creation of value and the lives of ordinary people, he believes:

– This is a climate policy that will make financial difficulties for many families and ordinary people. In climate policy, we must be smarter than that. Good climate policy is about new jobs, technological development and value creation, Heggelund says.

Also read: The Labor Party has learned from tax losses: now the party promises to keep taxes unchanged


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