ODM, class struggles | The Oslo MDGs at the top of seven electoral lists


MDG politicians living in Oslo are nominated or nominated to head the seven electoral lists. In various places, local members have signed up for the party.

According to a review by Klassekampen, Akershus, Hedmark, Sør-Trøndelag, Sogn og Fjordane, Hordaland and Rogaland may put the people of Oslo in first position for next year’s parliamentary elections, in addition to Oslo.

– If the MDGs are going to have the ambition to become the People’s Party that we are going to become, then we must build the organization across the country, says Katrine Aalstad, leader of Hamar MDG.

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In Hedmark, Marion Godager Tveter from Oslo is nominated for first place, but Aalstad gives her a battle for first place. The same applies to locally resident MDGs in Trøndelag and Rogaland, Klassekampen writes.

Party Secretary Torkil Vederhus notes that it is quite common in other parties for leading candidates to have a speech in Oslo, and he is not afraid that the party will become too dominated by Oslo.

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– It’s good that people are available. I don’t think residential management should disqualify, he says.
