Ødegaard has impressed Arsenal’s profile: – He has been very open


Martin Ødegaard got his opening minutes of the Premier League when he was substituted in the final minutes against Manchester United on Saturday night.

Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta explained Ødegaard’s bench early on by saying that the Norwegian only had a training session and a half behind him with the team.

Impressed Arsenal goalkeeper

Now goalkeeper Bernd Leno says Ødegaard has already made his mark.

– It has been very impressive and has been very open every first day. “I think we will have a lot of fun with him in the coming months,” Leno told the London Evening Standard.

Ødegaard has been on loan from Real Madrid for the rest of the season, but Arteta has already opened up to sign the 22-year-old permanently.

– We should all be very excited, because he is an offensive midfielder who appears, wants to advance, wants to play passes and create chances and deliver goals, says Leno.

Commended by the manager

Arteta believes Ødegaard has adapted well at Arsenal.

– Bring with him smiles and joy. Technically, he is a very talented player. He is a player we need in those positions, and hopefully he can contribute very quickly, Arteta tells TV 2.

Arsenal meet Wolverhampton in the Premier League on Tuesday. Arteta said after the 0-0 at Manchester United that Ødegaard can start soon, but does not promise anything about when it will happen.

– Let’s fight for battle. He has trained for a day and a half with the team and has already had a few minutes. It’s not a bad start, he says.
