– Obviously of interest – VG


DEFENDANT: Laila Anita Bertheussen. Photo: S. Bertheussen / NTB Scanpix

Emails to journalists and a package sent when defendant Laila Anita Bertheussen was in the United States will be the subject of the trial.

Does the prosecution believe that he had an assistant or is the sender still unknown? This question will arise in the criminal case against Laila Anita Bertheussen, which begins in the Oslo District Court on Tuesday morning.

There, she is accused of attacking democracy through arson, damage and threats against leading politicians, including her former Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara (Frp).

She denies criminal guilt.

After Laila Anita Bertheussen was arrested and charged in March of last year, the Elden Law Firm received a gunpowder letter and at least one package attached to the case.

Get an idea of ​​the case: This is how they took her

The package is said to have no known sender, but was postmarked from Norway and shipped late April to May last year.

Listen to the podcast on the Bertheussen case. Krimpodden Episode 1:

According to defense attorney John Christian Elden, the defendant and partner Tor Mikkel Wara were in the United States at the time.

Emails have also been sent to journalists at Dagbladet and NRK, who have been called as witnesses in the criminal case. The message in the emails and mails must have been, among other things, that someone other than Bertheussen was behind the threats she was accused of.

Emails and mailings are not part of the prosecution, but will be subject to trial, both for the prosecution and the defense.

Upgrade, this is the case:

DEFENDANT: Attorney John Christian Elden. Photo: Gisle Oddstad

The prosecution will shed light on these shipments, as one or more people have claimed to be late, while the defense will question whether there really may be others behind.

– We note that there are a number of submissions in this case both here and to the media that point in a different direction than Bertheussen. To what extent the PST has investigated this and been willing to look in a different direction from her will be a matter for the court, which therefore did not include the media beforehand. But it is obviously of interest where he is excluded as a sender, defender John Christian Elden tells VG.

VG has gained access to video footage showing the defendant Laila Bertheussen filming the controversial production “Ways of Ver” at the Black Box Theater in 2018:

also read

The Bertheussen case: these are the threatening letters

Prosecutor: Do not shake the prosecution

He also believes that it is in the evidence interest to get an overview of which strangers have access to the house and at what times.

When asked by VG if the tax authority thinks he may be an aide or a sender with knowledge of the case behind him, prosecutor Frederik G. Ranke answers the following:

– I do not want to comment on this specifically, but we do not think it affects the subject of the prosecution.

Read also: PST investigates powder letter sent to Elden

SCENE: When Laila Anita Bertheussen was arrested in March last year, the police conducted investigations inside and outside the home. Photo: Helge Mikalsen, VG

The first threat

PST believes that the play “Ways of Seeing” is the background for the threats against Tor Mikkel Wara. In the play a film of the house of the couple who lived together was shown.

At the end of November 2018, Laila Anita Bertheussen herself appeared at the Black Box Theater in Oslo and filmed the performance. She was expelled, accused of illegal filming.

A few days later, he wrote an article on VG with strong criticism of the house’s acting and filming:

«What I see from the stage is scary. They label my home racist and spread dangerous conspiracy theories that are completely beyond reality (…) They call it art, I call it a major invasion of my privacy.“He wrote, among other things.

She believes that the partner hanged himself as a “racist”.

Soon after, Tor Mikkel Wara was threatened for the first time.

– I experience it above all as an attack on Norwegian democracy. I’m ready to do a government job on behalf of the Norwegian people, and then this is a threat, Wara said the day after the first incident.

Wara has been questioned by the police and will testify in the criminal case, as offended.

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