Nursing home residents tested positive for corona


The case is being updated.

– The infected person is a resident of the nursing home and has very mild symptoms, writes the Rennebu municipality in a press release.

Randomly discovered

The resident was screened Dec. 30 as part of the municipality’s screening of employees and residents every Wednesday.

– Therefore, the infection was discovered accidentally and the source of the infection is unknown to this day, writes the municipality.

Four residents and nine employees have been quarantined as a result of the infection. Infection tracking is underway.

– The resident has received a visit from four people at the beginning of Christmas. Since many days have passed since the visit until a positive test result, these are not defined as close contacts, but they have been asked to be tested and self-quarantined until a test result is available. , writes the municipality.

ALSO READ: Ask residents to limit travel between municipalities in Trøndelag

Closed for visitors

The municipality has decided to close the nursing home to visitors as of January 2.

– Many have already agreed to visit during the New Year’s weekend, these unfortunately cannot be carried out, says in the press release.

See Adresseavisen’s great overview of the crown situation in Trøndelag here
