Nozzle order: may be applicable with fines


– Today we present an order for the use of bandages in public transport, said Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor) at a news conference Monday night.

The City Council has repeatedly issued strong recommendations to Oslo residents to wear bandages on crowded buses, trams and trains. It is now being followed by a court order. If it is not possible to maintain a distance of one meter from others, you must wear a bandage from Tuesday at 12 o’clock.

– Actually, this means that everyone should bring a bandage on board, Johansen said at the press conference.

The case continues below the image.

Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) during Monday night’s press conference. Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB

Here you can read about all the measures that Oslo is introducing as of Tuesday!

Also read: Up and out for the app that was supposed to stop coronary heart disease. What happened? (+)

Considering fines

It is the police that will monitor that people comply with the order, according to health councilor Robert Steen (Labor).

– Now there is no doubt if you can choose to wear a bandage or not. You can not. That is a clear message. So the question is what happens if you break the order. Then the police can detect it, Steen tells Dagsavisen.

He describes the following scenario: If you are on a packed tram and you do not have a bandage, the police may intervene and ask you to leave the tram.

Steen says he hopes it will have a deterrent effect on people who meet the requirement of a bandage. Otherwise, according to the health council, it may be relevant to introduce fines.

– We hope that this order is sufficient and that we have control that the police also comply with it in a good way. If not, the punitive response must be sharpened, Steen says.

However, he believes that the introduction of fines presents some practical challenges.

– What fine do you hold? 500 crowns? 1,000? 1,500? It’s sad to have to go there, says Steen.

The case continues below the image.

Health Councilor Robert Steen (Labor Party). Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB

Chief of Staff Harald Nilssen in the Oslo Police District tells NTB that the police take note of the crown’s new measures.

– The police take note of the new municipal infection control regulations in Oslo. We want a dialogue with the municipality and we will attend when the municipality requests it. This also applies to the introduction of an order for the use of face masks in public transport, Nilssen in Oslo writes a text message.

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I hope bandages become a habit

Steen has previously stated that he fears that the price of and access to sanitary napkins could create a segregated society.

– It should not be the case that the rich can afford to buy a security, while those with less money must choose between sales or, for example, monthly cards or books for the child. Authorities should have a plan so that everyone can buy face masks or masks at a normal price, Steen told Dagsavisen in August.

The health council now encourages all Oslo residents to put on a bandage and get used to wearing it. It also points out that the precautionary measure in the first instance only applies for 14 days and that it is possible to purchase multipurpose nozzles.

– I think bandages will be needed for a long time, as long as we live with the coronary pandemic and until a vaccine comes, says Steen and continues:

– So I also think that the government should take the initiative to find ways in which those with the worst advice can be compensated so that this does not become such a financial obligation.

Also read: Raymond Johansen: – Today we present a court order on the use of masks in public transport
