Now the Premier League gets very expensive


In the future, it will be more expensive to watch the Premier League, confirms TV 2.

On Monday, Canal Digital sent an email to its customers stating that their subscription to TV 2 Sport Premium will now increase considerably in price, from NOK 499 per month to NOK 699. The TV distributor justified this by the fact that TV 2 has increased the recommended price for them. , as a result of increased legal costs.

The price increase applies from November 1.

On Monday night, the online newspaper contacted Jan-Petter Dahl, press manager for TV 2, for an answer on what this will mean for Sumo customers. Answer the following:

– TV 2 Sumo will also have to increase the Premier League package prices due to increased rights costs, but we have not decided how much yet. Of course, customers will be notified first, and well in advance of a price increase, writes the press officer.

Like Telia (formerly Get) and RiksTV, Canal Digital has previously priced TV 2 Premium Sport at NOK 499. Therefore, there are many indications that customers of these companies can also expect a price increase.

The reactions of Canal Digital customers have not been long in coming:

As a customer with us, you do not have a blackout period on TV 2 Sport Premium and you can change your subscription on My Page at any time. There you can easily change your subscription or find alternative sports packages, so you still get great sports moments during the fall and winter, it says in the email that Canal Digital has sent to its customers.

If you are a Sumo customer and want to lock in the current price a year in advance, there is a solution:

– It is totally possible to buy an annual subscription to TV 2 Sumo, yes. It costs 4490 crowns for “Premier League and Sport” and 4790 crowns for “Total”, Dahl informs Nettavisen.

Dahl explains to VG that the rights are increasing due to the great interest in Norway:

– English football is very popular in Norway and therefore there is fierce competition for the rights. This is the reason why it costs more to buy the Premier League rights for the Norwegian market than, for example, in the other Nordic countries. This is also reflected in the price that customers must pay. Rights prices vary widely between different countries. There is great interest in football and strong competition in the Norwegian market, Dahl told the newspaper.
