– Now it’s quite dramatic – VG


TEMPORARY TESTING SITE: This is a Corona drive-through test station near the Sarpsborg Stadium. Photo: Terje Pedersen

26 out of 27 recent cases of infection in Indre Østfold municipality may be related to religious events in Sarpsborg.

Sarpsborg and Fredrikstad are not the only ones affected by crown outbreaks after religious events at the Al-Ghadir Østfold Islamic Center in Sarpsborg earlier this month.

In one day, the number of infected in the municipality has increased by 13.

In the last few days, a total of 27 new infection cases have appeared in Indre Østfold, and up to 26 of them may be related to the Sarpsborg events.

– Now it is quite dramatic, when there are many students and things that are affected. Then he begins to improve in relation to the drama, says the municipal chief doctor Jan Børre Johansen in Indre Østfold to VG.

HE IS IN CONTROL: Municipal Chief Physician Jan Børre Johansen believes Indre Østfold describes the situation as dramatic after the coronavirus flourished in the municipality as a result of the events in Sarpsborg. Photo: Fredrik Hagen

Twelve new in Fredrikstad

On Tuesday night, Fredrikstad also claims that there have been twelve new cases of infection there during the day.

Eleven of them are linked to religious events, while the latest case dates back to a trip abroad. So far, the municipality has had 161 cases of infection in a week and a half, where only a few are unrelated to the ongoing outbreak.

– We had 1100 quarantined earlier today, but there will be some who will be out of quarantine today, says Martin Schjøllert Fredheim in Fredrikstad Municipality.

The latest case of contagion is linked to a trip abroad, says the municipality in a press release.

In total, Fredrikstad has registered 161 new cases of infection since Friday, August 29. This constitutes more than half of all infection cases that Fredrikstad has recorded since March.

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Sarpsborg goes for checkup after corona infection

New wave for Indre Østfold

As for Indre Østfold, the municipality has recently gone through a corona wave since the government opened for travel to Sweden this summer. At the time, the outbreak was related to young people who were partying and residents who went to Sweden.

The municipality believed it had controlled this outbreak.

– There is a danger that we will have another small boom, recognizes Johansen.

However, he notes that the situation is completely different this time, and believes that the inhabitants in general have known to take the coronavirus seriously for a long time.

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VG figures roundup: Norway is not yet at the red level

IN THE CENTER: A religious event that took place here for several days caused a massive spread of the infection in several municipalities east of Viken County. Photo: Gisle Oddstad

– It is now much more localized than the previous round this fall. Now it is not so extensive. Above all we know the sources of infection and that is good.

Increase testability

The municipality closed Mysen Primary School and Mysen Secondary School on Monday. They are still waiting to open schools until they have received responses to the corona tests and have increased testing capacity to more than 300 per day.

– There may be talk that some classes should be quarantined. We will try to test all students at the school who can be tested during the current week, says Johansen.

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2,500 quarantined in Fredrikstad and Sarpsborg after outbreaks

On Tuesday, VG verified the infection situation in the nearby municipalities of Sarpsborg and Fredrikstad.

There are currently three cases of infection in Moss, two in Våler, two in Halden and none in Skiptvet, Rakkestad, Marker or Hvaler.

Four infected in Råde are connected to Sarpsborg

The municipality of Råde has a total of eleven cases of infection to date. Here too the consequences of the religious events that took place in Sarpsborg earlier in the month are noted.

– It has not caused a major incident in Råde, says municipal chief doctor Sarah Frandsen Gran, who says that four of the municipality’s eleven cases of infection may be related to Sarpsborg.

These four people belong to a household.

The Råde municipal chief feels that the situation is under control.

– It was not complicated infection monitoring. They had been to the same event.

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