Now he wants Vedum as Prime Minister – NRK Trøndelag – Local News, TV and Radio


Every fifth voter in Norway would have voted for the Center Party if there had been elections now, shows a new poll by Norstat for NRK and Aftenposten.

Heidi Brekkvassmo from Namsskogan in Trøndelag got tired of the Labor Party and resigned in March 2018. She is now Sp group leader on the municipal council.

– I felt that I was closer to Sp in the cases they brought, says Brekkvassmo.

She especially emphasizes centralization as a case where Sp is clear. Namsskogan has just over 900 inhabitants and is located north of Trøndelag.

– We can hope and believe that Trygve Slagsvold Vedum will become Prime Minister, says the leader of the group.

Vedum and Brekvassmo

SUPPORT THE VEDUM: Heidi Brekvassmo had a chance to speak her mind about local police reform when she met party leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum. She hopes that he will become Prime Minister of Norway.

Photo: Private

“Being popular that hits everyone”

Finn Egil Adolfsen, leader of the local Center Party parties in Steinkjer, will also have Vedum as prime minister if progress continues.

– If the SP at the national level becomes bigger than the Labor Party, and we are talking about a red-green government, then it is not unnatural for the largest party to imagine the leader in government, he tells NRK.

Sp has a support of 20.2 percent. This is the best poll since Vedum took over as party leader with 5-6 percent in 2014.

For Labor, the picture is exactly the opposite. This is the weakest poll for the party since the meta-crisis in early 2018. Support is now 21.2 for the Labor Party. Paves the way for Vedum, believes Adolfsen:

– It has a popular being that hits everyone.

Fight for the voters

Tove Henøen, provincial leader of the Center Party in Møre og Romsdal, is happy that the Center Party continues to rise in the polls.

On Møre og Romsdal, it can be a tough battle for terms. Today, the Center Party has a parliamentary seat in Møre og Romsdal.

Henøen now sees the possibility of capturing two seats.

– We clearly have the ambition to manage two, and we certainly have a chance for that if we hold firm until the elections, says Henøen.

For the first time in history, the Center Festival may become the biggest festival in Møre og Romsdal. In the county council elections in 2019, the Labor Party took first place right in front of the Center Party. In the 2017 parliamentary elections, the Conservatives were the biggest. Now it may be the turn of the Center Party.

– Yes, we are going up now. We have probably never been the greatest in Møre og Romsdal. Now we hope we can work well with the issues and with our politics so that we can get even more voters, says Henøen.

Source: Norstat for NRK and Aftenposten

Surveys only

The leader of the Center Party in Trøndelag, Per Olav Tyldum, is happy with the day.

– It’s great when now we start to double 20 percent. But we must also remind ourselves that this is just an opinion poll, says the county leader.

– Is Vedum a candidate for prime minister?

– We stick to what is politics. We are talking about a government based on the Center Labor Party. That’s what it’s all about, says Per Olav Tyldum, the Sp county leader in Trøndelag.

Arnodd Lillemark also believes that it is important not to focus on the role of prime minister. He is the local team leader at Sp in Lierne Municipality in Trøndelag and a former mayor of SP.

– There are margins and moods. It can change quickly and will vary over time, says Lillemark of the party’s growth. He believes that conservatives have accelerated centralization and that this has led to PS issues being put on the agenda.

Trine Fagervik, Sp

YOU CAN GET A PLACE IN PARLIAMENT: Nordland recently hosted a Så representative at the Storting. Now the match can be three. It could also mean a place for Trine Fagervik, who is the director of Leirfjord on the outskirts of Sandnessjøen.

Photo: John Ulvøy / ju

Sp has never been so big in Nordland

In Nordland, Sp flows even more. A recent Infact poll on behalf of NRK Nordland gives the Center Party up to 28.4 percent of the vote in the county.

According to the Poll of Polls website, which analyzes opinion polls across the country, SP has never been measured so high in Nordland before.

Trine Fagervik (37) is currently Principal of Sandnes School in Sandnessjøen and third candidate on the Center Party’s list for the Storting elections in 2021.

Now she is surprisingly ready to secure a permanent place in parliament.

– It’s absolutely fantastic. I had a vague dream, but had not imagined such a measure. That he must be so realistic to get in is surprising, the mother-of-two tells NRK.
