– Not your propaganda apparatus – VG


Health Minister Bent Høie was moved during the “Debate” on Tuesday. Now host Fredrik Solvang responds to criticism.

– The role of the journalist is to ask questions. I am not Bent Høie’s propaganda machine. He must clear up any misunderstandings himself, host Fredrik Solvang tells VG.

Health Minister Bent Høie objected on Tuesday, when program manager Fredrik Solvang said he had spoken to the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) about wearing a bandage.

See the clip on the top of the case.

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The court order in Oslo on the use of bandages in public transport and indoors in public places if a distance of one meter cannot be maintained, was one of the topics of Tuesday’s edition of “The Debate”.

In a question addressed to the leader of the Oslo city council, Raymond Johansen, Solvang says that the National Institute of Public Health in March and throughout the summer has not recommended the use of face masks. Then Høie shot:

– It is very important for me to emphasize this, because people can have a different impression when they listen to you now. The National Institute of Public Health has recommended all the mouth bandages and the Oslo rules that now apply.

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Alto: – Important for me to correct

The host notes that the issue was not whether FHI recommends face masks, but whether the professional basis is thorough enough in accordance with the Infection Control Act.

The question answered by the Health Minister was directed to Oslo City Councilor Raymond Johansen. Solvang noted that FHI says there is a weak scientific basis for recommending face masks.

– The reason I intervened was not that Fredrik asked critical questions about the bandages. That’s their job, Høie responded during a press conference on the measures on Wednesday.

– It is true that there is a diverse knowledge base for the use of face masks, but those who saw it might get the impression that FHI did not agree with the recommendation. For me it was important to correct, continued the minister.

– On yesterday’s program, Høie could respond as he does today. He himself says that the research is divergent. Instead, he created a straw man and thought that I created uncertainty just by asking questions about the masks, says Solvang.

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– No political actor

– I only ask questions and I am not a political actor. My job is not to create confusion or not, but it is the job of the Minister of Health to clear up any confusion about the policy he implements, says Solvang.

– Has the Health Minister managed to avoid confusion in this case?

– By responding in that way, at least many more people have heard the message about wearing a face mask, responds the host.

– But it is an advantage in an open democracy that people are told that they are not clear on all the investigations on the use of face masks in an ongoing pandemic. Asking questions about it is not to suggest that people should bluff.

At the same time, Solvang emphasizes that it supports the recommendations and summarizes:

– Everyone should follow the recommendations of the authorities, but do not be afraid to ask them questions.

Solvang was invited to «Giæver og Giertsen earlier this fall. Listen to the episode here:

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