Norwegians have become less concerned about getting infected – VG


CROWN: People in this country have become less concerned about getting infected. Photograph: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Scanpix

39 percent of those surveyed in a new survey say they are concerned about being infected with corona. The figure is lower than in August, when it was at its highest.

The peak was reached in week 33, when 46 percent said they were worried about being infected, according to Opinion’s Norwegian crown monitor.

– It has been almost half a year since Norway closed. We’re just as concerned about the crown today as we were in March, but we passed the peak of concern in August, says senior adviser Nora Clausen in Opinion.

In the new survey, 24% of the population say they trust the majority of people in Norway to follow the advice and guidelines to avoid infection. A majority of 55 percent answer no to this, while the rest answer “I don’t know.” Confidence has fallen every month from May to August, and in week 33 it was only 16 percent.

– Most people still don’t trust most people to avoid infection. However, the trend is that we are now starting to trust each other a bit more, says Clausen.

In May, 52 percent were confident that people would follow the crown’s advice and guidelines.

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