– Norwegian Tourism Needs You Now – E24


Classic Norway Hotels has laid off 80 employees as a result of the corona pandemic. Now the hotel chain continues to invest millions in developing aspiring Norwegian tourism.

CEO Stephen Meinich-Bache will act as a mentor to one of the new trainees in January.

Classic hotels in Norway


The Classic Norway hotel chain is about to launch a new initiative in which they will help recent graduate students in tourism to boost their careers.

Tell CEO Stephen Meinich-Bache at E24.

– We chose to start this program because we see the need to hire young and skilled employees in the industry, says Meinich-Bache.

The company already has several students working to obtain a commercial certificate in these hotels.

The new “internship program”, on the other hand, is designed for young people who have completed education in hotels and tourism, and who now want practical experience in management.

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– Our investment in the industry

– We are in a challenging time and therefore we want to help young people to enter the industry and make them competitive when they apply for employment, he says.

The development of the hotel chain’s future new venture was launched this fall, at the same time as the new wave of layoffs swept through the industry.

Classic Norway has so far had to lay off 80 employees as a result of the corona pandemic. The hotel chain has 18 hotels and accommodations.

Executive Director, Stephen Meinich-Bache

Classic hotels in Norway

– It’s sad when people have a burning desire to work in the tourism industry and don’t have the opportunity, he says.

The program will cost the hotel chain between two and three million crowns.

– This is our investment in the development of the industry in the future, which will create quality and competition in those who need it most, says the director.

You get all costs covered

The program begins as early as January, where the hotel chain will employ five apprentices in a 12-month rotation, with an overlap of new apprentices in August.

Under the program, new applicants will be reimbursed for all expenses, such as food and accommodation, as well as being paid for the work they do on equal terms with the rest of the hotel chain’s employees.

– The challenge for new graduates is to gain practical experience, which will present great challenges in the future. So we want the opportunity to bring talented people into our industry and help those who aspire to leadership positions within the industry, says Meinich-Bache.

The work of the apprentices will vary. Among other things, they will lead the cleanup and gain hands-on management experience.

They will also work closely with hotel managers, each assigned a mentor from the hotel chain management.

This also includes the director of Classic himself.

– When the trainees have finished the program, they will be good resources for both Classic Norway Hotels and others in companies in the industry.

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– Learn a lot from chefs.

The hotel chain has already hired several apprentices who are working towards a business certificate within the creative professions of the industry.

Emma Silseth Herskedal (18) and Fredrik Lervik (19) work as apprentices at Molde Fjordstuer, which is run by Classic Norway Hotels.

Herskedal has worked there for almost four years and has been an apprentice cook for a year and a half.

Both trainees also took the victory during this fall’s Asko serving Norgescup for trainees at Møre og Romsdal.

Fredrik Lervik (left) and Emma Silseth Herskedal (right) work as chef apprentices at Molde Fjordstuer, run by Classic Norway Hotels.

Fjordstuer mold

– I thrive, although it can be quite hectic at times, Herskedal tells E24.

– The kitchen has the ambition to be the best in Molde, and I learn a lot from the chefs. It is social and fun.

The apprentice has not yet decided if she is a cook and will continue to work after receiving her certificate, but she knows that she has ended up in the right field.

– If not directly in the kitchen of a restaurant, perhaps to teach children and young people about food and the enjoyment of food through teaching, he says.

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– This is something that tourism needs now.

– I have a good knowledge of the hotel chain, and I think what they do is innovative, says NHO Executive Director of Tourism Kristin Krohn Devold.

He also expresses admiration for the fact that the hotel chain has managed to stay together during the pandemic.

Kristin Krohn Devold, CEO of NHO reiseliv, believes the hotel chain’s commitment is “pioneering.”

Oda Hveem / Fete Typer

– This investment is forward-looking and proof of modern thinking, where they focus on highly competent workforce, he says.

– This is something that Norwegian tourism needs now.

Devold believes that most companies in the tourism industry will begin hiring in the spring and into the summer, if the new corona vaccine is successful.

– Here are the first to leave, which I think is prudent, he says.

However, Devold doesn’t think the investment is spreading like wildfire and believes that most other companies prefer to prioritize hiring former employees who are on leave.

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Has laid off employees

According to E24’s crown summary, the hotel chain laid off 80 employees, among three of its 18 hotels and lodgings.

– The biggest austerity measures have been taken at the central office, says Meinich-Bache.

In June, 34 employees were laid off at Molde Fjordstuer, while a total of 56 employees at Refsnes Estate and Strand Hotel Fevik were laid off in mid-November.

– The apprenticeship program is established independently of the actual operation of Classic Norway Hotels and therefore will not replace those laid off, he says.

The director also points out the apprentices who are currently working, despite the layoffs, to ensure training and development.

– I do not think that the layoffs in the hotel chain react to the program that is being installed. The program was created to generate growth in the hotel chain, so I hope this can lead to the laid-off return to work, Meinich-Bache concludes.

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