Norwegian politics, the coronavirus | FRP Will Call Soldiers At Border To Stop Infection From Imports


Last week, 2,000 foreign passengers left for testing when they arrived at Gardermoen. Now the FRP has had enough and will call the Armed Forces.

Import infection is the main concern, report health authorities. The government has ensured that there are strict requirements for anyone who shows up at the border and wants to enter the country. But the new figures show that many are not tested when they come to Norway.

Nearly 2 out of 100 corona tests at Gardermoen were positive as of the middle of last week, NTB was able to report Tuesday morning. In all, there were 5,418 travelers to Gardermoen from overseas last week. Only 3501 tested.

The Progress Party reacts strongly to the figures and will call on the Armed Forces to maintain control of the borders.

– We will physically close several border crossings with 24-hour staff available at the larger border crossings. To do that, we will use teams from Customs, the police and the state can call in up to 40,000 HV soldiers who can be deployed on this, justice policy spokesperson Per-Willy Amundsen (Frp) tells Nettavisen.

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Some border crossings are already legally closed. FRP believes that all media should be used and also physically closed.

– It can be done very well. And it should have been done when the government is seriously considering locking people up physically inside their homes through a curfew, Amundsen says.

Tuesday night at In 1900, Prime Minister Erna Solberg will respond directly to readers’ questions about the coronavirus and the vaccine. Submit your question here.

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– Is it really necessary when there is already a requirement to carry out tests at the border?

– We see that it does not necessarily happen. We don’t have that control. So we have to make sure we have that control. The government has implemented very intrusive measures in people’s daily lives. We follow all advice and orders to the best of our ability and have more intrusive measures on us, he says and adds:

– Then I can’t understand why we shouldn’t do this. A major effort is made from all sides, but there is nothing as basic as controlling Norway’s borders.

Amundsen emphasizes that they will not spend too many police resources on this, as long as they have a great operational responsibility to fight crime and enforce other laws.

– It’s completely unbelievable when you think about it. Businesses go bankrupt, people can lose houses and homes, and the state does not guarantee a basic function. It’s pretty amazing when you think about it, he says.


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