Norwegian Politics, Media | The editor braids Norwegian journalists: – A mockery of the Norwegian people


– That torment the Norwegian people with a press conference on this rag case on Tuesday night, says political editor Skjalg Fjellheim in Nordlys newspaper.

Watch a video of the questions that drive the editor crazy:

Tuesday night was serious in the prime minister’s office. Erna Solberg had to apologize after her secretary of state, Peder Egseth, spoke with the mayor of Molde, Torgeir Dahl (H), before the proposal against the handling of the coronavirus by the Oslo City Council.

During the press conference, serious questions arose from several journalists. The entire session made political editor Skjalg Fjellheim of the Nordlys newspaper jump into the chair.

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– It is very shameful

– When you watch this press conference, you would think it was someone who had declared war on Norway. It is a symptom of a crisis in political journalism that is almost unbearable, Fjellheim tells Nettavisen.

He thinks that it is foolish that a united press in Oslo has devoted so much time and energy to this issue, while there has been a lack of vaccines for a long period of time, which has hit businesses and individuals hard.

– This must be one of the most embarrassing press conferences in Norwegian political history. We are in the middle of a terrible situation. We lack vaccines and the government has not provided them. In Denmark, the Prime Minister travels to Israel to build vaccine factories. While the Norwegian government seems completely paralyzed. But what they are asking at a press conference is that the prime minister have an employee interview with his own secretary of state. It’s so embarrassing and amazing, says Fjellheim.

Read more: Uprising on Facebook: Famous filleristas Molde mayor

The editor believes this is a sign that the benchmarks among journalists in the capital have changed dramatically. What matters is the status of each one and the updates on social networks, not the Norwegian reality.

– In fact, they believe that Twitter is representative of Norwegian society. That is completely absurd.

On the same day, Health Minister Bent Høie (H) held a press conference in which the entire vaccination strategy was changed. Oslo will receive more vaccines. There were also several journalists who asked questions about the telephone conversations between Egseth and the mayor of Molde.

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– It’s a vaccine scandal.

– No one asked: Why hasn’t the government provided vaccines to Norwegians when other countries outside the EU have shown they can? Why have they chosen the AstraZeneca vaccine, which we still do not know will work in risk groups? This is a scandal, he says and adds:

– Instead, you spend energy on a spin doctor who has spoken to a mayor from the same party. All journalists know that these PR consultants talk to journalists all the time. That is their job.

Read more: Denmark will enter into vaccine cooperation with Israel

He doesn’t want to defend the Secretary of State, calling him “stupid” and a “mistake.”

– Erna doesn’t lose anything with this. She is orderly, apologizes, and kills the case. But this case reveals more than anything the growing distance between the rest of the country and political journalism and politics in Oslo, he says, adding:

– People want real politics and less games and nonsense.


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