Norwegian politics, gender equality | New movement to stop the removal of the “sheriff”: – Incredible problems that we create


FRP proposes to stop the government’s gender-neutral version of “sheriff.” At the same time, they will close the Police Directorate.

On behalf of a unanimous Storting who wanted to introduce gender neutral titles, the Police Directorate proposed to remove the “sheriff” and replace him with the head of the police department. It’s rare that the title change has generated so much debate.

The Management admitted that this was a difficult matter as the title has approximately 900 years of cultural and historical roots in Norway.

Immediately afterwards, judicial policy Jenny Klinge (Sp) reacted strongly, saying that we distance ourselves from our own culture and history by removing a heavy historical title.

– Create problems we don’t have

At the Storting this week, the police report will be processed. In this sense, the Progress Party has decided to try to overthrow the government on the matter.

The sea

Now there is an ending for “sheriff”: – What do we do every day?

The proposal presented Tuesday says: “The Storting asks the government to stop the process of replacing the sheriff with a gender-neutral title.”

– You almost have to be a bureaucrat to think that the “head of the police department” is a good substitute, says justice policy spokesman Per-Willy Amundsen (Frp) and laughs.

– This is a title that is a concept with strong roots in Norwegian history. People know the concept and it has a meaning and a place in our culture and as a concept that we relate to, he says.

Amundsen hopes that the Center Party, which has strongly marked the opposition to the title, will join the decision at the Storting.

– Create confusion when you eliminate a concept that so many people have a relationship with. Why should we spend so much time solving a problem that doesn’t exist?

– Can the title lead to women refusing to apply for the position?

– Absolutely not. There is a large influx of female applicants at the police academy. Many women in the police. This is not a real problem. Of course, one can be a sheriff. What people don’t understand is that the term “man” in this context has nothing to do with gender, but is used to refer to “man”.

The sea

Full fight about “sheriff”: – I don’t understand how they can speak in so many languages ​​at once

The police direction will close

Furthermore, Frp proposes to close the Police Directorate, which has just over 300 employees.

– We spend too much money on bureaucracy. The money should go more to the operational police, rather than even more bureaucrats, says Per-Willy Amundsen.

When he was Minister of Justice, he involved the FRP in a restructuring operation to maintain leadership. And now it makes the party spin again.

– It was at the beginning of the police reform. Then we had to have the police address. Now the reform is coming to an end. Then it is also time to close the address.

He believes that the Norwegian Police Directorate has contributed to a further bureaucratization of police tasks, that they do not follow the decisions of the Storting and that the projects they are working on go well beyond budget.

– There are fewer police districts than when the reform began. This will facilitate police control directly from the ministry.

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There is already an independent police department in the Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness. They are in charge of the Police Directorate.

– My biggest problem with the Police Directorate is that I realize that the decisions of the Storting go wrong and change before it reaches the districts and the police that are out there.

– Do you have examples of that?

– I have. An example is that the Storting has wanted to strengthen the operational police that are out there. It has not been done to a large enough degree. Instead, there have been more cops in the office. There are also many important functions there, such as investigators and the fight against cybercrime. But we need a lot more police out there, on patrol and close to people and visible, says Amundsen.

– Who will carry out the tasks for which the Police Directorate is now responsible?

– There are already larger police districts and we have a police department in the Ministry of Justice. They do this job well without additional direction, says Amundsen.


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