Norwegian Pakistanis are hard hit by the pandemic. Our environment must take this seriously.


Oslo East is among the areas with the greatest spread of the coronavirus. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB

Norwegian Somalis succeeded in reducing infection rates. Now is your turn.

This is a discussion post. Opinions in the text are the responsibility of the writer.

The authors of the publication are listed at the bottom of the publication.

Oslo East stands out as one of the areas with the greatest spread of the coronavirus, and the Norwegian-Pakistani environment is doing it wrong. It’s sad. Norwegians-Pakistanis themselves have been hit hard by the pandemic. They are overrepresented in hospitalizations and deaths. Our environment must take this seriously. The spread of the infection is not only life threatening, but also threatens the economy, employment, schools, culture and family life of the country.

We must reciprocate the trust

But it’s also sad that someone is trying to make political money out of it. The vast majority of politicians and leaders agree that populism helps little when the goal is to solve a common crisis together. Most politicians and leaders have shown us trust. That confidence deserves revenge.

Therefore, it is of little use to assume the role of victim, point to others or apologize. Not now. Right now we can counteract by acting. The Somali community has managed to reduce its infection rates. They took responsibility. Now is your turn.

Don’t throw big parties

La Alternativa is another sad chapter with unfortunate media coverage that leaves traces in the conscience of our young people who grow up in these areas. Another chapter on the feeling of separation between Oslo East and the “rest”. Another chapter in Aunt Ulriks Vei.

We can all help combat this pandemic (and that political populism) by familiarizing ourselves with the government tips:

Limit close contacts. Don’t throw big parties. Do not attend events where more people are present than allowed. Give alcohol, do not shake hands or hug, stay six feet from others, test yourself if you are sick, and follow quarantine rules.

Everything helps. You are not a drop in the ocean. But we are all in the same boat.

Qalbi Khan, Dr. odont, associate professor, UiT

Tahir R. Ahmed, Chief Physician, Gastroenterologist, Ahus

Adnan Fraz, chief physician, psychiatrist, Gaustad

Rafaqat Ahmad, physician, ophthalmologist at the Eye Health Clinic

Afroz Shah, physician, specializing in psychiatry
