Nordlandsporten: – Will remove the gate


If you are one of the many who have made the trip to Northern Norway this summer, you have most likely passed under an arch decorated with the northern lights over the E6.

The arch, which is called Nordlandsporten, indicates that you are on your way to Northern Norway, it is located in the municipality of Grane in Nordland, just off the county border.

According to Avisa Nordland, associate professor at the Nord Nord Business School, Erlend Bullvåg, he believes that the door should be leveled.

– Norway is a very long country, and with the gate marks a border, Bullvåg tells Dagbladet.

EQUALIZED WITH THE EARTH: Erlend Bullvåg, associate professor at the Nord University Business School, believes that Nordlandsporten should be demolished. Photo: Nord University
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He says that historically, doors have not been associated with positive things in this way, and that it can be stigmatizing.

– It will be like a border that says that what happens in the north of Norway can stay in the north of Norway. We found similar gates in front of amusement parks like Tusenfryd and Kongeparken, but this is not an amusement park. It is an entire region.

I do not agree with the demolition

NHO Regional Director Daniel Bjarmann-Simonsen tells NRK that he does not think the gate should be demolished, but that he understands the message to Bullvåg. He thinks we should turn this into a positive.

– This is a unique part of the country with unique opportunities, so it can also be positive to have a symbol like the one that shows that you have now come to northern Norway.

Bullvåg tells Dagbladet that he agrees with Bjarmann-Simonsen that we should focus on the positive, but wants a discussion about the ambitions he wants for his region.

– Many say that “it has been like this, and it will always be like this”, but this is a region with an incredible number of opportunities and positive qualities. We have to make it seem more, so that young people do not move away from here.

PROBLEMS: Residents of Buvik in Kvaløya notice that the storm has arrived in northern Norway. Here, a floating dock has been moved by the water and the wind. Also, a glass wall has been shattered by the wind. Video: Scanpix
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Good with commitment

In the field of comments on Facebook during the NRK and Avisa Nordland cases, there are many who do not agree with Bullvåg on the demolition of the gate.

“As a migrant from Nordlending, it is always nice to pass the gate on the way north during the summer holidays. When you get to the door, I’m finally there, even though there are quite a few kilometers left, ”one writes during NRK Nordland’s Facebook post about the case.

Bullvåg himself is satisfied when he reads that people get involved.

– It is positive that we have touched a nerve. People show that they care, are proud of their region, and care about where they live. The fact that they are involved in the debate is great.

He still points out that he wants to have a greater focus on the image that people should form of northern Norway, and that a border between the north and the rest of the country doesn’t necessarily have to be the right way to do it.

– We need less stigma and more positivity about northern Norway, he concludes.
