Nordland warns – 35 people quarantined in Bodø


There are now around 35 people who have been quarantined after four new cases of corona infection in Bodø today, the municipality reports in a press release.

– Several of those in quarantine have symptoms of covid-19 and are or will be evaluated, says the head of infection control, Kai Brynjar Hagen, in the municipality of Bodø.

For two of those infected, the source of the infection has not yet been clarified and that is why the director of infection control is careful to ask people to quarantine. All people with symptoms should request to be tested.

– And while you wait for the test results, it is very important to remain in quarantine. There are reports that not everyone follows our clear advice, Hagen says.

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Since March, 66 people have been infected with corona in Bodø, and recently the numbers are increasing, both in Bodø municipality and in many other parts of the country. Here’s some clear advice from Bodø Mayor Ida Pinnerød;

– It is important to be alert right now, so it is important to keep your distance, wash your hands and if you feel bad you have to be at home. If we succeed, we will prevent large outbreaks of infection, says the mayor.

Early Friday, the municipality of Bodø announced that four new cases of infection had been registered in Bodø. Two of them are related to labor immigration, while the situation of the other two was not clear.

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Four new infected in Bodø
