Nordland advises – A new type of mosquito has arrived in Norway: –⁠ unusually large bites


(Nettavisen): NRK is the first to review the discovery.

It was last summer that a mosquito stabbed a 10-year-old girl from Drammen.

Therefore, children are more affected than adults.

Later, there were also episodes and strokes on the 10-year-old girl’s arm, who finally had to go through a ten-day penicillin cure due to infection. The girl’s father also adds that his daughter had a fever, before the boils that erupted in the craters, NRK writes.

The channel has also spoken to several people in the Åskollen neighborhood in Drammen who are talking about the same thing. Several have experienced unusually large bites, which have often turned into boils. Several people must also have gotten sick later.

Now, the director of the Department of Public Health, Preben Ottesen, explains why some people react so strongly to mosquito bites.

– Most people in Norway are more or less immune to mosquito bites. They get reactions, but not so much bloating. Often we see that if you go abroad, it swells much more. Ottesen tells NRK that children swell more than adults because they haven’t managed to have as many bites in life, adding that he suspects that the reason for the strong reactions among drummers is that they are exposed to mosquito bites for the first time. time.

Been in Norway since the 70s

One of the residents has sent a mosquito to the Norwegian Institute for Natural Research (NINA), and now with 100% certainty what kind of conversation it is about: the so-called subway mosquito is on the way.

NRK writes that the mosquito has been detected in Norway since the 1970s, but this is the first time that it has been retested, and therefore, with 100 percent certainty, the species is known to be here in the country. .

The somewhat special nickname comes from the fact that mosquitoes have been known to attack people on the subway, and it must have been a major problem at Stortinget tube station in the past. Generally, adult mosquitoes become extinct in winter, but subway mosquitoes overwinter as adult individuals. They must be active in tunnels and underground systems, whatever the season, unless the temperature drops on the downside.

Ottesen also adds that he assumes that mosquitoes will be detected at various locations in Norway in the future.

If mosquitoes bite it, it is advisable to buffer the plug with anti-itch agents so that it does not occur. It is only when bacteria enter wounds that it can create problems for the person who has been stabbed. Mosquito nets in front of windows are also recommended at night.
