Nokas stops transportation of value in several counties – warns empty ATMs – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


Ådne Mauritzen, Head of Communications at Nokas Verdihåndtering, confirms that Saturday’s escalation will mean they will have to lay off 84 employees.

Now they have informed their clients that it will have dramatic consequences for the delivery of cash across the country.

Starting Saturday, Nokas will discontinue all valuable transport routes in Oslo, Viken, Innlandet, Trøndelag, Møre og Romsdal, Agder and Vestfold and Telemark.

There will be limited capacity in Vestland, Rogaland and Nordland.

– It has great consequences for us. We have been through eight weeks of strikes and have done everything possible to limit the effect on customers and employees. The withdrawal now means that many more are going on strike. These are key functions for us and they mean that we cannot maintain operations in multiple counties, Mauritzen tells NRK.

Empty ATM alert

Nokas operates and supplies around 750 ATMs across the country and also delivers cash to various banks.

– Most of these will not receive new money. The supply of cash to banks will also stop immediately. The same applies to supplying cash to stores and other businesses, says Mauritzen.

It warns of the main immediate consequences for banks, business customers and consumers.

– Of course, we are desperate for this situation, but we can no longer maintain operations, says Mauritzen.

Eight weeks on strike

The security strike is now in its eighth week.

The guards who are organized in Parat reached an agreement with NHO in early November, but the Norwegian Workers’ Union (Naf) is still on strike.

2000 security guards are already on strike. Naf announced Monday that another 200 members will be on strike through Saturday night.

These include security guards at the Flesland and Brønnøysund heliports, as well as at Saga Fjordbase in Ålesund.

– We really hope that the parties will find a solution soon. It is with NHO and NAF. We hope they can reach an agreement before this becomes a real situation, says Mauritzen.

Updated to 12.11: The phrase “full stop” has been removed from the heading, since other value transport companies still maintain operations.
