No need to throw away the corona vaccine – VG


NEW OPPORTUNITY: Overnight through Friday, a power outage in a refrigerator caused several hundred doses of the corona vaccine to be considered destroyed. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health and vaccine supplier Pfizer have now analyzed Pfizer dosages and concluded that they can be used. Photo: Christer Andreassen

The Sarpsborg municipality thought they had to dump 400 doses of the Pfizer vaccine after a power outage in a vaccine refrigerator. Now the luck has changed.


– It’s very positive. Now 400 people can receive their first dose, says health director Ø vivos Werner Johansen in the municipality of Sarpsborg to VG.

It was the night before Friday that a refrigerator with just over 600 doses of vaccine ran out of power at the municipality’s vaccination center. The power outage meant that the vaccines were not properly stored at the correct temperature.

Therefore, the refrigerator in question was sent to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) for analysis. FHI and Pfizer’s supplier have now evaluated the vaccine to be fully usable, according to the health director.

The municipality of Sarpsborg is now urgently calling 400 people aged 75 to 84 and will receive their first dose of Pfizer:

«Good news about vaccines: We encourage all guests to respond to text messages sent or via healthcare, despite the short notice. If this doesn’t work, they can still meet at the scheduled time on Sunday, as vaccines need to be used on Sunday.», Write the municipality on Facebook.

– We start tomorrow Sunday at 08:00. They should be used then, says the health director.

– Those who should have received their second dose of the Pfizer vaccine on Friday will have the opportunity to do so next week, he continues.

The refrigerator, which was affected by a power outage, also stored around 400 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine for use by healthcare professionals. These doses are being evaluated in the same way as the Pfizer doses, and are still pending.

– They will be evaluated in more detail and we hope to receive a response tomorrow (Sunday) or Monday, says the health director.
