No full school students returning to – VG


GYM: The physical education class was held as outdated line gymnastics in front of Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Minister of Knowledge Guri Melby in the Apalløkka schoolyard on Thursday. Photo: Frode Hansen, VG

APALLØKKA SCHOOL (VG) Tenth grade students walked back to school on Monday. But no one can wait for a full school offer until the holidays, according to Oslo’s top union representatives.

– We must bear in mind that this is a crown school. It becomes a mix of an ordinary school, a digital school, and an outdoor school. This will not be a complete school in the third month of the school year, Aina Skjefstad Andersen tells VG.

She is the director of the Oslo Education Association, which organizes the vast majority of kindergarten teachers and teachers in the capital.

TEACHER LEADER: Aina Skjefstad Andersen has been the leader of the Education Association in Oslo for several years. Photo: The Education Association

On Monday, he noted that his colleagues welcomed first-graders into high schools after the nearly two-month home education period. You have the certain impression that it is well planned despite the short start time. There are smaller student groups and a new infection control guide. But both the waste of time and the special situation mean that teachers and school leaders must prioritize more than usual, according to Andersen.

Graduates have priority

– Graduates in tenth grade and in vg3 will have priority to get the best possible basis for assessment before dropping out of high school and higher education in late June, Andersen says.

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TALKING ABOUT STRESS: Helen Harini Jeiharan (15), leader of Tenth Class and Student Council, told Prime Minister Erna Solberg (from behind) about graduates who are missing exams and training in preparing for exams, but experienced by very confident and caring teachers in a stressful situation. Photo: Frode Hansen, VG

Education Minister Guri Melby (V) and Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) received, as expected, up to the tenth grade the first day of school after school at home at the Apalløkka school in Groruddalen on Monday .

Big variations

Melby does not mean that Corona School is not a complete school.

– I think it’s too early to say it. I think there are quite large variations between schools. We need more time to extract knowledge and evaluate the months ending this particular school year. To know what to do with these students, and what to take with us from the good and the bad of this time, says Melby.

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Apalløkka Student Council leader Helen Harini Jeiharan (15) recalls that she and other 10th graders miss the test status training as the test is canceled.

– Good contact with the teacher

– After all, we miss the exam period, and it can probably make us more stressful when we present exam situations and preparations for higher education. We are not used to such situations. Otherwise, teachers have followed us very well in the home school, where personal contact with the teacher may have been better than usual, says Jeiharan. She describes the tithe relationship with teachers as a crucial security in a difficult situation.

– It is good to have a good relationship with the teacher, she says.

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MAINTENANCE DISTANCE: Tenth-grade David Ramirez (16) and Kristian Lewitsky (15) at Apalløkka School kept a good distance between them during the interview with VG. Photo: Frode Hansen, VG

Other students think that the distance of at least one meter from others becomes demanding.

– It gets a little difficult since we are used to touching, greeting and hugging each other. I accidentally pinched a friend when we met again today, so they both had to wash their hands afterward, says David Ramírez (16).

“It’s easy to forget that distance rule and get too close,” adds Kristian Lewitsky (15).

GO GODORD TL THE TEACHERS: Student Counselor Helen Harini Jeiharan (15) praised teachers for the individual follow-up of students during the home schooling period. Photo: Frode Hansen, VG

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The director of the Oslo Educational Association, Aina Skjefstad Andersen, is also concerned about whether large schools in particular can practice the distance rule.

– It will also be a challenge to maintain a distance of one meter between students in schools with many students. There will not be much absenteeism among teachers before the situation can be demanding. I’ve also noticed that one of the age groups where infection increases most rapidly is among young people in their 20s, Andersen says.

LISTEN TO STUDENTS: Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Minister of Knowledge Guri Melby listened to several students who spoke about the special school situation they have been in, during the “first day of school” for tenth grade students at the Apalløkka school on Monday. Photo: Frode Hansen, VG

Helen Harini, 10th in Apalløkka, also believes it will be demanding.

– It’s going to be difficult. This is something completely new. But it is very important due to the fact that there are people around us in the risk group. This is just something to be respected.

Melby says she understands young people’s concerns.

– Many of them have been at home a lot and cannot be used to meeting others. So it could take some practice before getting used to the new rules, he says, adding:

– The experience of the schools that have opened is that things have gone very well, that they have managed to follow the rules and that there has been little to say about the infection situation. I have good faith that high school students do the same as elementary students and stick to the rules, says Melby.

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Prime Minister Erna Solberg is not sure if things will turn out well.

– It will be demanding, at the same time I think that the students are kind and mocked. You know how serious this is. But this is the challenge for all of us, “says Solberg.

– What worried you most about the reopening?

– In some schools, they have to deal with two things at once: both students who have to be at home because they are at risk, and students who are at school. In some schools they lean forward and do this. In other schools, they have not done it the same way. He is then asked how good they are at making educational programs that also remain contagious, responds Erna Solberg.

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He is concerned that vulnerable and vulnerable children not only have to deal with those who need to be followed by psychologists and child welfare.

Professional refills – wise

The government comes in a revised national budget with a package of NOK 400 million for vulnerable children in the municipalities.

– It is the municipalities that have to monitor this. But it is important that there is an offer for students who have not received a good enough score during the home schooling period. To make arrangements with academic refills for students during a long summer vacation, it will be wise. Vulnerable children must not only be followed by psychologists and care, but we must also ask ourselves how we can make up for what some of the students have lost during this period, says the prime minister.

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