NIPH Proposes Extended Opening Hours for Grocery Stores and Alcohol Sales Before Christmas – E24


Extended opening hours for stores and alcohol sales can help prevent too many people from gathering at the same time, believes FHI.

EXTENDED OPENING HOURS ?: FHI writes that extended opening hours in grocery stores and for alcohol sales should be considered in order to reduce major purchases on long weekends around Christmas.

Håkon Mosvold Larsen


In a document they have sent to the government, FHI presents several proposals for measures that can be introduced before Christmas, especially related to Christmas shopping.

They write that extended opening hours at grocery stores and for alcohol sales should be considered to avoid large purchases before long weekends.

– With stores open on multiple holidays during Christmas, you can reduce the shopping and pressure on stores before Christmas. Prolonged selling time of alcohol in stores and liquor stores could lead to further reduction in pressure, they write in the decision base.

They arrived at the end of November with more advice for both customers and the commercial stand. But it’s only now that they are so clear about alcohol sales.

– Take into account risk groups, for example, having times when they are invited to come without other clients being present, but then the number of clients must be limited so that it can be arranged for at least 2 meters away, writes FHI.

Especially important in areas with high infection.

The National Institute of Public Health recalls in the document that the general recommendations are to stay more at home and meet fewer people, especially in areas where there is a lot of infection, but that this should also be reflected in recommendations and regulations on commercial matters.

The measures proposed for the commercial stand are especially important in areas with a lot of infection, emphasizes FHI.

– Expanded measures related to Christmas / Christmas shopping will be especially important in areas with a growing and high risk of infection and a general assessment should be made at the local level of what measures are necessary.

Suggest several measures for Christmas shopping

In addition to the proposal to consider extended opening hours, FHI writes in the document that stores should also facilitate online shopping and other solutions for the delivery of goods.

Offers that allow many people to meet at the same time should also be avoided. Shopping centers should prepare a common strategy for the entire center, including common areas, advises FHI.

– Consideration should be given to having guards to ensure that recommendations are followed, write more about the mall.
