NIPH asks municipalities to have good testing capacity after New Year’s Eve


The concern is related to Christmas and party activities, as well as domestic travel activities during the holidays, hence young adults traveling from eastern Norway and participating in meetings or restaurants.

– We expect a number of local outbreaks after the holiday period. It is very important that municipalities are vigilant and prepared to detect and deal with these outbreaks, FHI chief physician Preben Aavitsland tells Dagbladet.

– Can participation in gatherings and parties during this period create an unstable and demanding situation in several municipalities at the beginning of January?

– We are concerned about infection in meetings during the Christmas and New Years weekend. Municipalities now spend a great deal of resources preparing vaccines, and various cases of illness can interrupt that work. We ask everyone to follow the infection control tips in the coming days.

Quarantine cutter

Quarantine cutter

It can go into a negative spiral

In a risk assessment for the period from December 21 to the first half of 2021, FHI notes that there is a risk of regional outbreaks if local outbreaks cannot be quickly controlled.

“If local outbreaks are enlarged as a result of late detection or massive infection events, tracking the infection will require a lot of resources. Therefore, it can enter a negative spiral in which monitoring the infection becomes incomplete. , so that even more possible infected people circulate and perhaps lead to massive infection events, ”writes FHI in the risk assessment.

“Several events of massive infection in a row can cause the epidemic to quickly spiral out of control,” writes FHI.

- Risks of stronger closings in January

– Risks of stronger closings in January

– Mass infection events can occur if an infected person who does not know they are infected participates with many others in an indoor gathering in a small area, often combined with chants or shouting from a short distance. The New Year holidays are one example, says Aavitsland.

FHI concludes in the risk assessment that the risk of further spread of the infection is now considered high at the local and regional level, and moderate at the national level.

The assessment is applied at weeks 52-2.

NEW CASES: When Kielferga docked in Oslo, three members of the crew had been diagnosed with corona infection. Video: Øystein Sæthre and Hans Arne Vedlog / Dagbladet TV
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– Have good testing ability.

In relation to the risk assessment, FHI also sent a letter to municipalities before Christmas in which they write that “we are entering the Christmas season with hopes of vaccination, but concern that the pandemic will accelerate”, and repeats the message :

‘(…) The concern is particularly related to travel from eastern Norway to the rest of the country, private meetings and nightlife. This means you have to be vigilant and have a good testability, especially in early January.

In the letter, FHI gives municipalities advice they think they should focus on in late December and early January:

  • Some will get sick at Christmas. Then it is advisable to go to the room!
  • Some municipalities offer exams to students who return before Christmas. Good idea!
  • Some people will want to prove themselves after being “in town.” This indicates that it has good testability in the first days of January.