NHH Student: – Several have returned home


A total of 135 students from the Norwegian School of Management (NHH) were diagnosed with covid-19 after the outbreak hit the school in late August.

Mari Kittilsen (23) is a freshman at NHH. Talk about the strict infection rules at school.

– You must have the documents where you are and where you have been if you go to school. You have to know what time you got to school and the same when you leave, he tells ABC News.

The number of infections in Bergen has increased in recent days, and on Tuesday the municipality introduced aggravating measures.

Kittilsen says that a while ago she decided to go home to Notodden, where she is originally from.

– There are several people I have spoken to who have traveled from Bergen. I think people thought it was a bit awkward, but the school is very good at organizing teaching. I think the school has done a good job, he says.

– Some students are restless

The student says she was a bit involved in the sponsor’s week.

There are hardly any students on NHH facilities during the day.  Photo: Marit Hommedal / NTB scanpix

There are hardly any students on NHH facilities during the day. Photo: Marit Hommedal / NTB scanpix

– What NHH organized was very good. They made the students feel safe, it was a week of amputee sponsorship. At the same time, you have the opportunity to meet new people, which is very important when you are new to a city, says Kittilsen.

Now, however, it appears that the trend towards infection at school has been reversed. Infection rates have fallen and stabilized at a low level in the past five to six days, says Geir Mikalsen, the school’s director of communication and public relations.

– Some students are restless, others take it easy. We had the biggest discomfort early last week when infection rates rose significantly from day to day. Many students had to be quarantined, wanted to get tested, were afraid of getting infected, etc., he tells ABC News.

Due to the decreasing trend in infections, the discomfort is not that great in the student body now, but:

– Probably the gravity of the situation has sunk with them. There is a very high level of loyalty to all infection control measures at this time, says Mikalsen.

– An overwhelming majority have followed the call.

Geir Mikalsen, director of communication and public relations, shows how people should enter NHH.  Photo: Marit Hommedal / NTB scanpix

Geir Mikalsen, director of communication and public relations, shows how people should enter NHH. Photo: Marit Hommedal / NTB scanpix

None of the school’s students have become seriously ill, Mikalsen says. It says that students are good at helping each other and that the school contacts infected students to offer help.

All PE is closed for now at NHH, and it won’t be open for PE until Monday, September 21. All students have been encouraged to stay home, if they can study from home.

– An overwhelming majority have followed the call. There are only a few students on campus. There is a digital teaching offer in all courses, making it possible to follow all lectures from home, says Mikalsen.

The school has introduced these measures on campus (the measures were already in place before the outbreak):

  • all other spaces in the reading room are physically closed
  • all students have received antibac
  • 88 antibac dispensers have been installed throughout the campus
  • One-way tours have been conducted in the corridors to minimize contact between students

For the record: journalist Fredrik Sveen and Mari Kittilsen have worked together at NRK Sport before.
