New Years Celebration – Police: – Extremely Agitated


Dagbladet continually updates the case.

One minute after midnight, the Southeastern Police District wished everyone a very Happy New Year. After that, it wasn’t long before the police district announced that the operations center was canceled due to the New Year celebrations.

Four hours later, Operations Manager Trond Egil Groth tells Dagbladet that things have calmed down a bit.

– We still have 15-20 assignments in progress, but it has calmed down, says the operations manager at time 04.

– How would you describe the first hours of 2021?

– Very agitated. Very reckless use of fireworks, but fortunately we have not received any reports of serious personal injury or buildings that have caught fire. One person was injured and slightly injured. Buildings have also been hit and there have been three fires. Fortunately, nothing is totally damaged.

He says they are not surprised, New Year’s Eve is usually busy for the police and emergency services.

– We have good staff and we have good control. But it has been tremendously hectic.

From 11 p.m. Thursday to 4 p.m. Friday, the police district has handled about 120 assignments, Groth says.

NEW YEAR EVE: King Harald gives his annual New Years address.
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10,000 i bot

It was at 12.20 that the police district reported that the operations center was downgraded for the “reckless” use of fireworks.

– It is aimed at people and buildings, but so far no serious injuries have been reported, police wrote at 00.20.

With only ten minutes notice, the same police district announced that they had moved to Kongsberg, after “reports that it would be the cleanest Wild West in the place.”

– With launching of fireworks in all directions as well as with illegal snowmobiles.

Less than an hour later, the police write on Twitter that all the participants of the party have received a hefty fine.

– The lawyer for the police on duty has decided that all the participants of the party should be reported; the party owner will be fined NOK 10,000 and each participant NOK 5,000. The party is ENDED by the police.

The operations manager at Sør-Øst tells Dagbladet that this is a party with 15 participants. These are reported due to infection control violations.

– We suspect that someone has been driving while intoxicated, he says and points to the snowmobile.

– Run over neighboring properties, lawns, hedges. Completely wild driving. It has completely taken off.

The year that history called

The year that history called

– “Celebrated” with rifle shots

At 00.30, the police were also at an address in Porsgrunn after reports from neighbors.

– That a person “celebrated” the new year by burning three rifle shots from his terrace. No one was physically injured. Police are now in control of the suspects and are investigating the circumstances, Southeastern police write.

In an update, the police report that the owner of the weapon and the shooter refused to give explanations to the police.

– Several weapons were seized from management, and the man can expect his case to have strong consequences.

Operations Manager Groth emphasizes to NTB that all weapons were registered and legal. The man was not arrested.

They lit fireworks against each other

In Larvik, police report that some 50 youths have fired fireworks at houses, as well as broken bottles.

– Many ran out of the place upon our arrival. The police are in control of the situation.

There are also problems with fireworks in Drammen. According to the police, a group of young people in their 20s have set off fireworks among themselves.

– A person is hit, probably not seriously injured. The police calm the situation on the spot and investigate the case, the police write on Twitter.

According to the police, two young men were slightly injured in connection with the incident.

– The police have no control over the perpetrators. Other young people form the patrol.

Worried about January

Worried about January

– Hectic

At 00.55, the Western Police District also wishes everyone a very Happy New Year.

– It has been, and is, a frenzied entry for emergency services in the new year, write the police.

– He’s been very busy. There have been many reports of fires, irrational use of fireworks and episodes of violence, Tatiana Knappen, operations manager in the West Police District, tells Dagbladet at 03:30.

– We have had several homes that have been totally destroyed and people have been evacuated, he says, adding that there have been no injuries.

According to the director of operations, perhaps the most serious fire is a fire in a townhouse in Bergen.

– Two housing units are uninhabitable, he says.

There have also been a lot of people in the streets, in addition to some parties in the district.

– From midnight to 03:30 we have had 85 assignments.

A chaotic happy new year

A chaotic happy new year

– gone in one

It’s been hectic for the eastern police district too, operations manager Karianne Knudsen tells Dagbladet shortly before 3 o’clock.

– It goes hand in hand, but there have been no major incidents. We have a lot to do, he says and continues:

– We have received messages from people who do not handle fireworks well, parties with too many participants, episodes of violence and traffic accidents.

New Years Resolution?  Do this test

New Years Resolution? Do this test

Great party over

Finnmark police report that at 12:55 a.m. they ended a party in Kirkenes.

– The police are breaking up a party where between 35 and 40 young people gathered in an apartment. Some of these are under the age of 18. Parents contacted them. A case is created against the owner of the apartment.

Operations manager Lars Rune Hagen tells Dagbladet that the apartment is not very large and notes that it was not suitable for infection control.

– It is the first time that we meet with an assembly of this type tonight, but I don’t think it will be the last.
