New wolf fight in Stortinget – Frp goes to Sp and Ap


– Government parties have said that there is no basis to find a comprehensive solution with us. That is why I am contacting Sp and Ap to try to find a majority for a clear direction of wolf policy, Frps environmental policy spokesman Jon Georg Dale told NTB.

He says he was close to reaching an agreement with both government parties and the Center Party and the Labor Party.

– I think it is disappointing that government parties choose to actively contribute to the majority, when it is obvious that this is what is needed to mitigate conflicts in wolf politics, says Dale.

Fewer regions and population targets

He says that both the Independent Predator Complaint Board proposal and fewer predator regions became difficult. Frp also wanted to set the stock target as a ceiling.

Ap has made a similar proposal for legislative amendments to clarify that the stock target should be understood as a maximum target, i.e. there will be a lower threshold to kill wolves when there are a sufficient number of new wolves in the year. Sp supports this.

– The government did everything possible to reach an agreement with the Frp, but unfortunately the political distance is too great in some points for us to agree on a comprehensive package. However, we will look for common solutions for individual decisions that seek to alleviate conflict in the predator arena when we address the issue in the Storting, says Høyres Lene Westgaard-Halle.

The center party is ready

The Center Party is ready to form a majority along with Frp and Ap.

– Now it seems that there are finally real changes in predator policy, says Sandra Borch, who is part of the Energy and Environment Committee at Storting.

Both the proposal for an independent appeals committee and the shrinking predatory gaming regions have met with opposition from farmers’ organizations and many municipalities.

Critics believe there will be less local influence on the administration, if the predator regions get bigger.

However, wolf advocates are positive about proposals for an independent appeals board and larger predator regions.
