New wave of infection forces Europe to close again


Country after country in Europe is experiencing a record spread of the infection and is now being forced to shut down society again.

Country after country in Europe has been hit by a new wave of infections and forced to shut down, like here in Lyon in France. Photo: AP / NTB

On Wednesday, France recorded 36,437 new cases of infection and 244 new deaths related to coronary heart disease, and the intensive care units of the country’s hospitals are filling up.

President Emmanuel Macron announced a new shutdown, which will take effect on Friday night and run until December 1.

– The country is now overwhelmed by a second wave of infections, which will undoubtedly be more difficult and more deadly than the first, he said in a television speech.

Bars, restaurants, and other businesses must be closed, and people must have a good reason and special permission to leave home.

President Emmanuel Macron claims that France is now in the middle of the second wave of infections and is warning of the shutdown during November. Photo: AP / NTB

However, French schools and universities can remain open, Macron says.

So far, nearly 1.2 million French people have been diagnosed with the infection and the death toll is approaching 36,000. This corresponds to 54 times. 100,000 inhabitants, more than ten times more than in Norway.

New spike of infection in Germany

Germany also set a new infection record on Wednesday with nearly 15,000 new cases verified.

– We must act, and we must act now. If the infection continues to spread at this rate, it will be at the limit of the capacity of our health service, said Prime Minister Angela Merkel, warning of a series of strict measures.

Restaurants in Germany must remain closed in the future. Here from Frankfurt. Photo: Michael Probst / AP

From Monday and four weeks onwards, German restaurants must be closed, as must cinemas, theaters, gyms, swimming pools, beauty salons, tattoo parlors, and massage parlors. Tourists cannot stay overnight in hotels either.

No close contact

The measures also mean that Germans can only have close contact with their own members, as well as with another household, a maximum of ten people. Merkel describes private meetings beyond this as “unacceptable.”

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Angela Merkel announced the closure of much of Germany, in an attempt to stem the growing spread of the coronavirus. Photo: AP / NTB

However, most stores can stay open, as can hairdressers and physical therapists. Schools and kindergartens can also remain open, but they must introduce new and stricter hygiene rules.

More than 470,000 people have so far tested positive for the coronavirus in Germany, where more than 10,300 deaths have been recorded. This corresponds to just over twelve deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.

also read

Germany introduces strict infection control measures

Italian disco

Italy also set a new infection record on Wednesday with nearly 25,000 new cases and 205 coronary deaths.

Authorities order bars, restaurants, gyms and other businesses to close their doors at 6 p.m., cinemas must be completely closed and a night curfew has also been introduced in some areas.

Almost 590,000 have tested positive in Italy, where the virus has so far claimed nearly 38,000 deaths, nearly 63 percent. 100,000 inhabitants.

The intensive care units of European hospitals, like here in Rome, are once again overflowing with corona patients. Photo: Cecilia Fabiano / LaPresse

The UK alone has several coronary cases in Europe, with more than 940,000 infected and almost 46,000 deaths.

On Wednesday 24,701 new cases of infection were registered in the United Kingdom, where the development, like increasingly in other European countries, is going in the wrong direction.

The death toll rose by 310 on Wednesday, a decrease from the previous day when 367 crown-related deaths were recorded.

Increase in Russia

Russia reported 16,200 new cases and 346 new deaths on Wednesday, also the new record since the pandemic began.

Nearly 1.6 million Russians have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease and the death toll is approaching 27,000.

Russian authorities emphasize that the figure only includes deaths directly due to the virus, not corona patients who have died from other causes.

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Death in nursing homes: this is how Sweden failed its elderly

Swedish disc

Sweden recorded 2,128 cases of infection on Wednesday, the highest in a day since the start of the pandemic.

Almost 118,000 have been diagnosed with the infection in Sweden, where the death toll is approaching 6,000. Sweden has 59 crown-related deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, ten times more than Norway.

State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell has become the face of the Swedish crown strategy, which has received much criticism. The death toll from the epidemic in Sweden is now approaching 6,000. Photo: Naina Helén Jåma / TT NYHETSBYRÅN / TT NYHETSBYR≈N

The public health authority has determined that the country is now in the midst of the second wave of infection and that the spread of infection is increasing in 17 of the 21 regions of the country.

Denmark has recorded more than 1,000 new infections in the past 24 hours, the second highest number so far in the pandemic.

More than 43,000 have been diagnosed with infection in Denmark and 715 of them have died.
