New TV poll 2: The Center Party is Norway’s biggest party


The Center Party obtained a support of 22.1 percent, 2.3 percentage points more than in November. The party absorbs voters from the FRP, the Conservatives and the Labor Party, writes TV 2.

FRP returned 2.7 percent

The FRP and the Tories were down 2.7 and 1.9 percentage points, respectively. The Conservatives get 20.2 percent support, while the FRP is measured at 8.8 percent.

The Labor Party is down 0.1 percentage points from the previous poll and has 20.4 percent support.

In February, the Progress Party rose 15.7 percent and Vedum 15 percent. Now the distance between the two is gigantic in Vedum’s favor.

All parties

Support for parties in December 2020 in Kantar’s poll for TV 2 (change from November in parentheses):

Ap 20.4% (-0.1), Frp 8.8% (-2.7), Høyre 20.2 (-1.9), KrF 3.3 (+0.5), Sp 22.1 (+2.3), SV 8.1 (+0.3), Left 4.0 (-0.1), Red 6.4 (+1.5), MDG 4.0 (0.0) and Others 2.8 (+0.3).

MDG gets 3.96 percent support in the poll and Venstre 3.98, but support rounds up to 4 percent. Therefore, the parties do not receive equalization mandates in the vote.

Larger manpower in VG measurement

Also in the December VG poll, Sp is bigger than the Labor Party for the first time, but the Conservatives are still the biggest in this poll.

The Center Party receives 20.5 percent support, while the Labor Party receives 20.3 percent in the survey conducted by Respons Analyze for the newspaper.

The right ends at 22.9 percent.
