New tax card: you must check this


– Perhaps it has never been more important to check that the information is correct so that during the next year you do not pay too much or too little tax, says Marta Johanne Gjengedal, division director in the Tax Administration.

In a press release, Norwegians are encouraged to read the information on the tax card carefully.

If you walk away and instead blindly trust that all the information about you is correct, you risk making a fuss.

Norwegians have undergone significant changes

– The correct tax deduction is based on an estimate of what you will earn next year. The personal finances of many of us may have changed during the year, so it is very important to review the calculations we have done this year, emphasizes Gjengedal.

This year, many Norwegians have experienced significant changes in the private economy as a result of the corona pandemic. Many have lost their jobs and become fully or partially dependent on government benefits.

Many have lost deductions

Many people no longer have a travel expense deduction due to the home office. Others have taken out mortgages and most have received lower interest rates on their mortgages.

This will have direct consequences for which the tax deduction will be applied for 2021.

– Tax authorities know a lot about your financial situation, but not everything. Anything that affects your personal finances can also affect your tax deduction.. Unfortunately, many have experienced layoffs and lost earnings as a result of the corona pandemic. Someone may have become a single parent, retired or living with his girlfriend, explains the director of the division.

– You don’t need to do anything afterwards.

All taxpayers should now have received the tax deduction notice for the next year. If you need to change your tax card, do the following:

Login to and correct the numbers. If you change the information, you will immediately see how this affects your tax deduction.

– You don’t need to do anything after you’ve submitted your changes. We arrange a new tax card for you, and the employer, NAV and others collect it directly from the Tax Administration. You can change and get a new tax card at any time during 2021, says Marta Johanne Gjengedal.
