New spike of infection in Alna district


Last week, Dagsavisen reported that Østensjø was at the top of the list for the number of infection cases in each district. Just four days after September, 12 different cases of infection were recorded in the district.

Also read: Corona infection stopped in Grorud. Now a new district is on the brink of infection

Østensjø district is still tall, with its 32 cases of contagion, but once again it is a new district that stands out. Since last week, the Alna district has received 34 new cases of contagion, for a total of 42 cases of contagion. There are more than half the cases of infection than you had during all of August. The Frogner district and the Old Oslo district also have many registered cases of infection so far this month. Especially for these two, is that just a week ago they had the infection rate at 3 and 4. Now the Frogner district has 32 different cases of infection, while Old Oslo has 38.

In August, a total of 464 cases of infection were registered in the municipality of Oslo. So far in September, 316 have been registered, indicating that September will give higher figures.

The director of infection control in the municipality of Oslo, Frode Hagen, reports that the cases of infection in the Alna district are related to homes and schools. Tracking infections in the municipality shows that family and friends are the most common cause of infection, with school coming second. Bjørknes Høyskole has contributed to an increase in infection in the St. Hanshaugen district.

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44 new cases of infection

– Since week 32, we have had around 100 new cases of infection per week. Last week, there were up to 209 new cases checked, and only yesterday there were 44 new ones, says the head of infection control in the municipality of Oslo, Frode Hagen to Dagsavisen.

He believes that infection rates have not taken any abrupt steps, but that we can still see an increase.

– We are starting to approach autumn and common infectious diseases are also arriving. We are prepared for the fact that there will be somewhat higher infection rates in the future, says Hagen.

Head of infection control in the municipality of Oslo, Frode Hagen. Photography: Lise Åserud / NTB Scanpix.

However, none of Oslo’s districts worries Hagen more than others.

– It varies a little which districts have more cases of infection. There is an increase in Oslo in general, she says.

Most of the young are infected

It is especially the young people who have recently been diagnosed with the virus in Oslo, Hagen explains. By week 37, most in the age group 20-29 became infected, and not as many from 30 and older. Hagen sees an advantage that the virus has not spread to more people in risk groups.

– But this applies to all of us and we must follow the rules that are established as best as possible. There is still infection around us, which can increase even more.

This is the picture of the infection in Oslo right now:

  • Baltic Sea: 32 (12 last week)
  • Alna: 42 (8 last week)
  • Frogner: 32 (4 last week)
  • Old Oslo: 38 (3 last week)
  • Nordstrand: 15 (3 last week)
  • Grünerløkka: 21 (2 last week)
  • Ullern: 10 (2 last week)
  • Sagene: 23 (2 last week)
  • Bjerke: 8 (1 last week)
  • Stovner: 19 (1 last week)
  • Søndre Nordstrand: 17 (1 last week)
  • Vestre Aker: 8 (1 last week)
  • Nordre Aker: 8 (1 last week)
  • Grorud: 18 (0 last week)
  • St. Hanshaugen: 23 (0 last week)
