New solutions are spreading throughout the nightlife. Now you can go to the restaurant almost without touching things.


An increasing number of venues allow guests to book and pay through contactless solutions. Kaja Skovborg-Hansen at Vippa says the service Ordr has allowed them to open now.

Gard Veiset gets today’s lunch on the table. You have paid and ordered on mobile. Restaurants can reopen, but they have to follow strict rules. Mobile makes lunch a little easier. Dan P. Neegaard

On Wednesday nightlife and guests cheered in the spring sunshine. He was allowed to serve alcohol again after six white weeks.

But the reopening was not without restrictions. Greater distance between tables and not ordering at the bar are two of the new criteria that restaurants have to deal with.

Therefore, several nightclubs are launched on digital solutions that allow ordering and paying for food and drinks via mobile phone, without the need for physical contact.

– I ordered macaroni and cheese at Vipps, says Gard Veiset. He sits under an umbrella on Grådi’s outdoor terrace in Tøyen.

He is happy. It was easy to find out what he wanted. The food is suddenly on the table. You can eat and go without taking the menu, the card terminal or the waitress. A glass of shelf flower juice moistens the throat.

– I’m probably going to have a cocktail this weekend, says Veiset.

At the Grådi restaurant, the menu is added to Vipps so that guests can order and pay from there. Erica Djunawar trains Danial Haynes in the new system. Dan P. Neegaard

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On Wednesday, the alcohol service reopened in Oslo: – I must say that the two pints I drank tasted very good.

More efficient

Greedi uses Vipps to reduce contact between guests and staff. By searching for Grådi in the “Pay” tab, guests can order and pay for what they want to eat and drink. The order goes directly to the kitchen and the bar. There are instruction sheets on the tables for guests to understand.

The service would be poorer and less efficient without it, says restaurant manager Erica Djunawar.

– We are less employed at work than usual. It would take a long time for guests to order, pay, and get food and drinks, says the restaurant manager.

Especially younger guests appreciate mobile payment, Djunawar experiences. They still receive manual orders from those who don’t want to use their mobile phones.

Oslo requirements to serve places:

In Grådi, an order from Vipps goes directly to the kitchen. Then general manager Jonas Hagman can throw himself into the pots. Dan P. Neegaard

130 new daily businesses

Since March 12, approximately 130 startups have been using Vipps every day in many different industries.

– Especially in the field of service provision, there has been a great effort by companies that use new creative solutions for home delivery and the like. In addition, many have prepared to reopen, says Hanne Kjærnes, Vipps communications manager.

Vipps has 3.8 million users and is by far the largest in mobile payments. They have gone from being a service to friends who owe money, to a place where they can pay bills, restaurant bills, etc.

But it’s not just about mobile solutions. Apple and Google have their own mobile payment solutions, which are compatible with several major banks.

The new Ordr service allows guests to order and pay for food without using card machines or downloading an app. The payment itself is made by registering the bank card or using Vipps.

– The dream was to create a whole new method for ordering and serving beer, wine and food in pubs, cafes and restaurants, says Edwin Fjeldtvedt, founder of Ordr.

– We had touched a nerve in the industry

“We understood that we had touched a nerve in the industry,” says Edwin Fjeldtvedt, who started Ordr. private

It’s been a year since the former handball player established Ordr. Guests use the mobile camera to scan a QR code at the restaurant. Guests receive a menu and payment solutions, such as Vipps.

The first tests with Ordr began this fall. Now more restaurants in Oslo and other cities are using the service.

– The interest was great. We understood that we had touched a nerve in the industry, says Fjeldtvedt.

The guests did not have to wait for the waiters, and the waiters could concentrate on helping the guests. It worked. The future seemed bright.

Then came the crisis

But then the restaurants were closed. It happened in the middle of the launch phase for the entrepreneur:

– Then we look at it quite dark, says Fjeldtvedt.

But they quickly saw opportunities in prevention measures. In the past two weeks, more than 100 bars and restaurants have been contacted to get started, and more than 75 locations are already using Ordr.

Avoid the queue

Kaja Skovborg-Hansen, who runs Vippa in Vippetangen, says it is a solution like Ordr that has made it possible to open now. Wednesday went well. Even with a good visit, there was no line, according to Skovborg-Hansen. She is positive about mobile payments, also regardless of infection control measures.

– It is too early to say if this will last. We have been using it for a few days. For our part, I think it’s smart to have solutions that prevent customers from queuing. Then they can spend more time at the table, she says.

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