New social closure in Oslo: – Today it is allowed to be sad


– Now the first anniversary of the first shutdown in Oslo is approaching. The moment we are going through now is historic. No one has paid a higher price than the people of Oslo. However, I am here and will ask you for more, Oslo city councilman Raymond Johansen initially said at the press conference on Sunday.

– I know that what I am asking is a lot and intrusive, he said.

Johansen announced that the city council advises people to avoid private gatherings and visits to private homes. Additionally, a red tier will be introduced in upper secondary schools and restaurants will be closed.

– The main draw is still the social closure in Oslo, as we have had it for almost four months, said the leader of the city council.

– Today it is allowed to be sad, said Johansen-

The reason for the adjustment in the capital is a sharp increase in infection rates recently. The new closing is valid from midnight on Tuesday, March 2, until March 15.

Facts about austerity measures in Oslo

Here are the strictest infection control measures Oslo is introducing:

* All restaurants must close, except for take out.

* All stores must close, with the exception of stores listed on the state exemption list, including grocery stores and pharmacies.

* Galleries and art outlets must close.

* Closings apply from midnight to Tuesday.

* Organized outdoor activities are not recommended for adults over 20 years of age.

* Outdoor events are prohibited, with the same exceptions as indoor events.

* A red level will be introduced in adult education and upper secondary school starting Monday, March 1.

* No high school student should show up on Monday or Tuesday. Students must have digital education or tuition free. Starting Wednesday, all schools will run on a combination of physical attendance and digital instruction.

* At the same time, infection control in schools is strengthened. Among other things, the goal is to introduce massive tests of students with saliva samples from March 8 and tests of all teachers.

* To control infection at construction sites, the City of Oslo introduces its own regulations with clear rules for infection control at construction sites. The Municipality of Oslo has had a dialogue with employers’ and employee organizations and feels that there is an understanding on this.

Intentional or grossly negligent violation of infection control rules on construction sites should be punished with a prison term of up to 6 months. The new rules will be combined with specific and reinforced tests on construction sites.

* The Oslo City Council advises people to avoid private gatherings and visits to private homes, with the exception of single people and children and young people from the same cohort.

* At the same time, the city council maintains leisure activities for children and young people, including libraries. At the same time, some additional restrictions for indoor activity are introduced for the 16-19 age group, where the increase in infection has been large. In the future, you should only meet in groups of ten people, and everyone should be able to maintain a distance of one meter at all times.

On Sunday evening, the Oslo City Council sent an SMS to the inhabitants, emphasizing that it is difficult for everyone, but that additional efforts are needed to end the pandemic.

– Keep your distance, meet few people and stay home when you are sick, it says in the message.

Increased infection

No upper secondary student is required to attend school on Monday or Tuesday, and must have digital tuition or tuition free.

Starting Wednesday, there will be a mix of physical attendance and digital teaching.

– We have to toughen up in high school, said the Councilor for Education and Knowledge of the City Council, Inga Marte Thorkildsen (SV).

Enter red

While the yellow level continues in kindergartens and primary schools in Oslo, a red level is introduced in upper secondary schools and for adult education.

– We see that the infection has increased fivefold in the 16-19 age group in the last two weeks. We also see that an increasing proportion of infection cases can be traced back to schools, Thorkildsen added.

The municipality of Oslo has decided that its goal is to carry out mass tests of students with saliva samples from March 8 and tests of all teachers.

Exceptions for single people

The recommendation to avoid private meetings and visits does not apply to singles and young people in the same cohort.

All restaurants in Oslo must close, except take-out.

– And all stores must close, with the exception of those on the state’s list of exceptions, including grocery stores and pharmacies, Johansen said at the press conference.

Galleries and art sales must also close, Johansen said.

The new closure is valid from midnight on Tuesday, March 2, until March 15.

Read also: Mayor of Molde with a new attack in Oslo: – First, skewed distribution of the vaccine itself

Encourage travelers to try

– I ask all of you who have been on winter break, also try them within a week after you return home, said health adviser Robert Steen (Labor) at the press conference.

He stated that when you discover more infection, you have better control over the situation.

Steen said he hopes the government will change the vaccine strategy and prioritize areas with high and persistent infection.

It has informed neighboring municipalities

Raymond Johansen claims that the municipality of Oslo has been in contact with the municipalities around Oslo, where shopping malls and nightclubs are still open.

– We cannot do anything, but our impression is that they should pay attention to their regulations, says Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) when asked what the Oslo City Council thinks about commercial traffic to shopping centers in neighboring municipalities.

Johansen met with the Administrator of the State and the neighboring municipalities of Oslo and stated:

– We have reported on the measures that we intend to introduce, and then it is up to the neighboring municipalities to evaluate what measures and when.

According to Romerikes Blad, several municipalities were going directly to their own meetings on Sunday evening to discuss the situation and any new measures, and by Sunday it was clear that both Lillestrøm and Lørenskog are considering new infection control measures.

In Ullensaker, where the Jessheim Mall is located, they now make no changes to their measurements. This means that stores, gyms or restaurants are not closing at the moment. According to Romerikes Blad, Ullensaker Mayor Eyvind Schumacher says they will assess the situation carefully, but add no more:

– We will probably not make further adjustments as it is now. We already have pretty strict measures.
