New record for infections in Trondheim. These are the three most important crisis management messages for you


The case is being updated.

– We have the largest number of days in history. He hasn’t received all the details from the infection control office, but close to 80, City Manager Morten Wolden reports to Adresseavisen Wednesday morning.

This is the highest number of infections in one day in the municipality of Trondheim so far during the pandemic. Nearly 80 people are said to have tested positive for the coronavirus in the municipality of Trondheim on Tuesday.

Three messages

– This just shows how serious the situation we are in, Wolden tells Adresseavisen.

On Wednesday morning, there are meetings both in the Trondheim region and in the crisis management of the Trondheim municipality. Wolden arrives before 08.00 with the following message from crisis management:

  • Those who have planned the New Year’s party, let it go.
  • It’s not about contagion bombs in party settings, but about you and me and how we behave in the days and weeks to come.
  • Starting Monday, everyone who can have a home office must have a home office.

READ ALSO: Considering canceling the New Year’s fireworks

– very worrying

Wolden says that he does not believe that any political decision is necessary regarding the recommendations that crisis management is making now, but acknowledges that, in any case, it will rise to the presidency meeting tomorrow.

– Otherwise, I think all politicians agree with it wholeheartedly. Now it’s just one thing: having the best possible control over the situation. And make sure we don’t have an uncontrollable spread of the infection first in the new year, when the city grows from 20 to 25,000 people in a week or two. The situation is very worrying now, says the municipal director.
