– New nail in the coffin


More than two weeks after Joe Biden (78) was declared the winner of the November 3 election, President Donald Trump (74) finally agrees to initiate the formal transfer of power to Biden.

It is the head of the General Services Administration (GSA), Emily Murphy, who has the power to initiate the formal process. Until now, he has refused to sign the necessary permits, but now it has been reversed.

That the transfer of power is already underway is incredibly important to Biden.

– This is vitally important. It gives you access to the information and experience you need to be able to fill the presidential job. Especially in relation to the knowledge and infrastructure for managing a pandemic, says researcher Hilmar Mjelde at the Norwegian Research Center (NORCE) in Bergen to Dagbladet.

She gets in the way of Biden's plan

She gets in the way of Biden’s plan

– It is urgent

Mjelde points out that Biden will appoint 4,000 officials and employees, in addition to assembling a government cabinet and preparing the implementation of his agenda.

– Biden and his administration will not have effective control over the state apparatus until all these tasks have been solved.

With the support of Emily Murphy and the GSA, Biden gains access to a number of important assets and millions of public dollars that he can spend on the transition.

– It is very important to Biden that the transition can begin now. Very good news for him and the United States. This allows you to really prepare to become president. One of the conclusions of the 9/11 report was that the transition to the Bush administration made them less prepared for terror. To combat the pandemic, it is extremely important that Biden have access to the necessary data, says advisor Eirik Løkke at the Civita think tank.

CLEAR: Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie knows that President Donald Trump must resign. Photo: ABC.
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– Could the late transition already have affected Biden’s presidency?

– If it starts now, it’s better late than never. For every week that passes, people have died in the pandemic. The forecasts are big and you should cut the numbers. It is urgent. Without access, he and his administration have had to make decisions on a poorer basis.

Opens up for Biden

Opens up for Biden

– Not giving up

Surprisingly, Donald Trump supports the decision to transfer power. At the same time, he continues to allege electoral fraud and that he will ultimately win.

– I want to thank Emily Murphy from GSA for her steadfast dedication and loyalty to our country. She has been harassed, threatened, and abused, and I don’t want it to happen to her, her family, or the GSA staff. Our case continues STRONG, the good fight will continue, and I think we will win! It is among what Trump writes on Twitter.

Løkke believes this is a sign that Donald Trump acknowledges the facts, but does not admit that he lost the election.

– He understands what reality is like, but affirms that they will move on and has faith that he will be victorious. He would probably rather do it that way, than make it look like he was run over.

Appoint senators:

Appoint Senators: “Extreme Contempt” for Trump

He doesn’t think the outgoing president will stop fighting. Mjelde agrees.

Trump has not given up on his stillborn attempt to steal the presidential election by pressuring certain states to sideline the election result. It’s not the case that I can actually win here, says Mjelde.

– The Trump fight is a kind of fight. Just follow Steve Bannon’s advice to spread as much misinformation as possible, to create confusion about what actually happened. Or as Bannon put it: “flood the shit area,” he continues.

WANTS TO WORK: Joe Biden has begun the transition to assume the presidency, but lacks information on Donald Trump. Video: AP
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– Great damage to democracy

Mjelde is clear that becomes a peaceful transfer of power.

GOLF: President Donald Trump at his golf club in Virginia.  The photo was taken on November 22, 2020. Photo: Reuters

GOLF: President Donald Trump at his golf club in Virginia. The photo was taken on November 22, 2020. Photo: Reuters
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– Trump does not have the opportunity to orchestrate what is called a “self-coup”, a “self-coup”. That is, stay in power. It will be forcibly removed if necessary.

Recently, Trump has suffered several defeats. More than 30 claims have been rejected or withdrawn. She had to distance herself from attorney Sidney Powell, after she went too far with the electoral fraud conspiracies. At the same time, there are reports that several Republicans have turned their backs on him.

Turns His Back on Trump: - A National Mistake

Turns His Back on Trump: – A National Mistake

– Will this affect you?

– I think so. It has been around legally for a long time. He dug his head deeper and deeper into the sand, but he can light a ring of five and think of a strange reason. There has probably been pressure behind closed doors, but it has been quite scandalous that Mitch McConnell (the Republican leader in the Senate newspaper) has been so reluctant to consider a coup attempt, says Eirik Løkke, adding:

– This is a new nail in the coffin for his attempted clown punch. By not distancing themselves, they keep alive a kind of minimal opportunity for something to change. The conclusion now is that we are a new step, in fact and legally, closer to the implementation of the election result.

At the same time, Løkke believes that Trump has already done great damage to democracy.

– It gives the impression that Biden is an illegitimate president and has involved many in his alternate reality. It won’t be easy for Biden to handle. He continues to make things worse and will continue to do so, probably even after he’s ousted from the White House.
