New measures in Oslo – Trade position on measures:


– We understand that we must take infection control seriously. Trade and catering in Oslo has loyally established and followed orders and guidelines during the pandemic. We believe the conditions are conducive to safe and continuous trade and service, says Bjørn Næss, leader of Oslo Handelsstands Forening, in an email.

At the same time, it emphasizes:

- UNDERSTANDING: CEO Bjørn Næss in Oslo Handelsstands Forening says he understands that infection control must be taken seriously.  photo: Oslo Handelsstands Forening

– UNDERSTANDING: Adm.dir. Bjørn Næss in Oslo Handelsstands Forening says she understands that infection control must be taken seriously. photo: Oslo Handelsstands Forening
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– The new infection control measures in Oslo are spectacular! Now we hope that the neighboring municipalities will also close the restoration and commerce. Otherwise, the measures will go against their purpose, lead to increased mobility, and will be highly unfair and distort competition for companies closed in Oslo. Capital cannot bear this alone.

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This gives employees complete freedom to choose a work mobile.

This gives employees complete freedom to choose a work mobile.

As a result of the high infection rates, the Oslo City Council has decided to drastically toughen infection control measures. This includes that all restaurants must close, except for takeout.
