New major outbreak in Molde –


They are all connected to the Eritrean environment of the city.

A school, a kindergarten, two school classes and a kindergarten department are temporarily closed. The municipality of Molde reports this on its website on Thursday evening.

– We have chosen to close the entire Romsdal Upper Secondary School and Cecilienfryd Kindergarten from tomorrow. This also applies to a class at the Molde adult education center, a class at the Langmyra school and a department at the St Sunniva kindergarten, says municipal chief doctor Cato Innerdal in the municipality of Molde.

– Dramatic having to close school

About 100 students were told to go into quarantine, and on Thursday evening Principal Ivar Rød sent a message that the entire Romsdal Upper Secondary School will be closed on Friday.

Close contacts of the 10 infected have been quarantined. It is made up of a total of 200 people, including 31 children and 11 employees who are affiliated with the two kindergarten departments. Includes classes at Langmyra School and Molde Adult Education Center.

Romsdal Upper Secondary School and Cecilienfryd Kindergarten are closed until the municipality has an overview of the situation.

-The children’s parents do not have to be quarantined as long as they or the children do not develop symptoms, says deputy municipal director Britt Rakvåg Roald. The same applies to employees and students of Romsdal Upper Secondary School, as well as other children and employees of affected schools and kindergartens.
