New infection case in Ulstein – Sunnmørsposten


– There is absolutely nothing new in the offer. This is exactly the same reason we went on strike, says chief negotiator Lars Petter Larsen in Parat to NTB.

On Wednesday morning, it became clear that the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (NAF) and Parat are breaking up negotiations with NHO Service og Handel.

Just before 11 a.m. Wednesday, NHO wrote in a press release that they had submitted a new offer after employees broke up the mediation.

With the no of the workers, 803 security guards from Avarn Security and Securitas went on strike starting at 12 noon on Wednesday.

– Exceeds the frame of the front subject

According to NHO, its offering exceeds the mark in the frontal subject, which sets the tone for the rest of the settlement this fall.

NHO writes that the offer includes a supplement of NOK 2.50 per hour on top of all current basic wage rates and that they meet the requirement that companies do not have the right to discriminate against company employees in relation to advance payment of sickness benefits.

Anne-Cecilie Kaltenborn, CEO of NHO Service og Handel, says they have made a good offer.

– Therefore, we hope to be able to quickly sit down again and find a solution to this conflict from which neither employees nor employers have benefited in the critical situation in which the security industry finds itself, he says.

– Acidifies the climate

NAF leader Anita Johansen told NTB on Wednesday morning that she is disappointed that they have not reached an agreement under the front line issue.

He also doesn’t think there is anything new in the latest NHO offering.

– There are no new elements in this, Johansen said Wednesday afternoon.

Lars Petter Larsen notes that the overall requirements for guards are in line with the framework for the frontal subject.

– The fact is that we agreed to stay within the framework of the frontal theme. NHO, however, will dictate how the money will be distributed, regardless of the wants and needs of employees, says Parat’s chief negotiator.

Larsen also reacts to the issuance of an NHO press release detailing the offer they make, noting that the parties have a duty of confidentiality in relation to the negotiations.

– What NHO is doing here is just a rude way of circumventing the duty of confidentiality and that acidifies the climate in the negotiations, says Larsen.

Wrong impression

Anne-Cecilie Kaltenborn says that she herself has not received confirmation from Parat that they reject the offer presented by NHO.

– But if it’s true, it’s very regrettable, she says.

Kaltenborn also says that the reason they made what they offer the security guards public was that they wanted to correct what they believe to be a false impression that NHO Service og Handel would give the security guard a worse arrangement than what is succeeded on the front issue.

– It is only because it was said when the breach was a fact that we would not give the framework. We couldn’t let that go and we wanted to show that we are really stepping over the frame. We didn’t want to use that we don’t respect the frontal issue, says Kaltenborn.

NAF’s Anita Johansen insists that she believes the offer to NHO Service og Handel is not within the framework of the frontal issue.

– It is a question of alignment, but out of consideration of the duty of confidentiality, I am not going to go into details about what it is about, he says.

(© NTB)
