New Block: – This wave is deadlier


Recently, the infection has increased considerably in France.

On Sunday, there were record rates of infection, with up to 52,000 new cases in one day. In the last 24 hours, health authorities have reported 36,437 new cases and 244 deaths.

In France, a total of 1,198,695 cases of infection and 35,541 corona-related deaths have been recorded.

The French government is now introducing a new blockade to control the spread of the infection.

Enter a new lock

President Emmanuel Macron is very concerned about infection rates and acknowledges that they have not handled the situation well enough.

“The virus is spreading at a rate that even the most pessimistic forecasts did not predict,” Macron said during a news conference Wednesday night.

“The country is now overwhelmed by a second wave of infections, which will undoubtedly be more difficult and deadly than the first,” he continued.

These are the new crown measures

These are the new crown measures

The president underlines that all French regions have a critically high infection pressure. Therefore, a new national blockade is introduced with the following measures:

  • Bars and restaurants will be closed.
  • The same goes for the country’s universities, which must provide online tuition to students.
  • More people have to work from home.
  • Entry stop from countries outside the Schengen area.
  • It is not possible to travel between regions.
  • Residents should stay home unless they absolutely have to shop or seek medical help.

– No other solutions

Intervention measures are introduced after several weeks of curfews in areas that have been hard hit by the virus. The goal of the national shutdown is to reduce the number of daily cases of infection from 40,000 to 5,000, says the French government.

“No other solution, such as trying to achieve herd immunity or imposing closure only on vulnerable people, is feasible,” Macron emphasized.

Agreement with the new Høie rule

Agreement with the new Høie rule

The measures will come into force on Friday, October 30 and, in principle, will last until December 1. However, the situation will be reassessed in 15 days. If the situation has improved, the stores will reopen.

Hospitals are filling up

The intensive care units of French hospitals have a maximum capacity of 5,800 patients. Today, almost 3,000 of these places are in use, reports Le Figaro. Thus, French hospitals begin to fill up.

– No matter what we do, 9,000 patients will be in intensive care in mid-November. We are preparing to deal with that, Macron says.

Earlier Wednesday, Frederic Valletoux, president of the French Hospital Association, called for a complete shutdown of the country to avoid a collapse in healthcare.

“Hospitals will not be successful if we do not take drastic measures,” Valletoux said in a press release Wednesday.
