Nearly 100 cases of infection are linked to the outbreak in a nursing home in Eidsvoll – VG


SPREAD OF INFECTION: At Villa Skaar Valstad nursing home in Eidsvoll, 22 of the residents and 24 of the employees were infected with corona. In addition, there are infections in two other municipal institutions. Photo: Terje Bringedal

Today, the presidency at Eidsvoll will decide whether local rules will be tightened. Almost a hundred cases of contagion in the municipality in November can be related to the Villa Skaar outbreak, writes the municipal chief.

Although 30 cases of contagion were detected in the municipality in October, mainly among foreign workers, in the first three weeks of November almost 100 cases of contagion were detected.

They may be related primarily directly or indirectly to the outbreak at Villa Skar Valstad nursing home, where eight corona-infected residents have died, writes municipal chief physician Carl Magnus Jensen in his medical evaluation to the presidency.

– Concern and risk of local spread of infection.

The infection has been detected in three municipal institutions, including Villa Skaar Valstad.

– Therefore, most of the cases may be related to various health institutions and, to a large extent, to the outbreak in the Valstad nursing home. However, there is concern and risk of local spread of infection associated with all social contacts of these infected people before the infection was discovered, writes the municipal chief in his assessment.

He writes that the infection has also spread to employees’ homes.

– When the disease is detected and the detection of the infection is implemented, there has almost always been exposure to the infection in the homes and the circle of friends around the infected person. All close contacts you discover are quarantined, but the infection trail must not be converted at all, Jensen writes.

CONCERNED: City Chief Medical Officer Carl Magnus Jensen in Eidsvoll Township writes that concern and risk still exists. Photo: Terje Bringedal

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Eighth death in a nursing home in Eidsvoll: – A terrible situation

Suggest more austerity

These new austerity measures are proposed by the council in addition to the existing local measures:

  • Introduce a rule that bandages must be used in stores and shopping centers and that a local restriction of 20 people be introduced in all indoor events.
  • Mouthpieces are to be used at funerals. There should be 50 people in the church here, but 20 people in the memorial service.
  • Gyms and public restrooms will be reserved for those who live or work in Eidsvoll.
  • Insert a point in local regulations that violations of local rules can be punished with fines or imprisonment.

See VG’s overview of all local crown rules here.

Infection in various institutions

In addition to the deaths at the Villa Skaar Valstad nursing home, a crown-infected resident at the Vilberg health park died in connection with the outbreak. In this nursing home, infection has been detected in three wards.

In one of them came the infection of an employee who had worked in Villa Skaar Valstad. In another pavilion, the infection came from a visitor, while in the third pavilion, which is a crown pavilion, infection was detected in six employees until November 22, and in a patient discharged from the hospital, it appears in the assessment of the municipal doctor.

In a municipal residence, outbreaks of infection were detected in four residents and five employees as a result of infection in an employee who had worked in Valstad.

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