Navalny is out of a coma and on the way to recovery


Navalny became seriously ill during a visit to Siberia on August 20. He was first admitted to a hospital in Omsk, where doctors could not determine what was wrong with him.

Following international pressure, he was airlifted to the Charité Hospital in Berlin, where doctors concluded that he had been poisoned with the military neurotoxin novitsjok.

The Navalny poisoning has provoked strong reactions internationally.

Prime Minister Angela Merkel has demanded a response from Russia, in which the Kremlin leadership calls the accusations behind it absurd.

– I strongly condemn the use of a military grade neurotoxin. This makes it even more urgent for Russia to carry out a full and open investigation, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg wrote on Twitter.

The president of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, called the attack “disgusting and cowardly” and Norway also protested.

– Norway strongly condemns this attack, said Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide (H).

On Monday, the Charité hospital declared that Navalny has already come out of an artificial coma, that his condition has improved and that he can be contacted.

– It is too early to estimate the possible long-term consequences of severe poisoning, the announcement states.
