National team, Lars Lagerbäck | Leadership expert in Lagerbäck after the Sørloth conflict:


Magne Lerø believes that the conflict between Alexander Sørloth and Lars Lagerbäck has not set the Swedish national team back much.

The conflict in the men’s national team has been on everyone’s lips after VG’s revelations earlier this week.

On Thursday, the conflict escalated further, when the Norwegian Football Association (NFF) first issued a statement, in which Lagerbäck stated, among other things, that Sørloth should have made accusations that he and his assistant Per Joar Hansen were “incompetent as coaches as well as coach.” in terms of football ».

Not long after, Sørloth came out with a statement, in which he denied the wording outlined by Lagerbäck.

Regardless, the situation has led to a full split after the very disappointing match against Serbia, and in the NFF press release, Lagerbäck also apologized after releasing a comment to Sørloth, who spoke about the forward’s performance against Cyprus in 2018.

Also read: Rekdal and Mini disagree on “mole hunt”

Click the pic to enlarge.  ANSWER: Lars Lagerbäck gave his version of the dispute with Alexander Sørloth on Thursday.

ANSWER: Lars Lagerbäck gave his version of the dispute with Alexander Sørloth on Thursday.
Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum (NTB)

Management Expert: – I don’t think I have lost much on this

Magne Lerø, a management expert and editor at Dagens Perspektiv, does not believe, however, that the Swedish veteran was greatly affected by what has become a public laundry.

– I don’t think I’ve lost so much on this. He has admitted that he said something he shouldn’t say. So it is correct as a leader to admit that you went too far and made a mistake. It is absolutely essential to regain confidence, also of the players. Leaders are not perfect and sometimes they say things recklessly, and then you have to admit it and finish. In that sense, he has passed the leadership test, and at the same time shows that he is not perfect as a leader, he tells Nettavisen.

– But did you pass the leadership test when Sørloth had to step up and deny part of what Lagerbäck has expressed?

– Yes, because they do not agree with what was said and they perceived it differently. And it is quite common in conflicts, whether in the workplace or between spouses. Once you have to explain what you said, there are a few different nuances and then you don’t feel completely recognizable, says Lerø.

Also read: One thing in particular made Sørloth react. Now there is a complete break

He points out that Sørloth should not recognize himself in what he said to Lagerbäck, but that there was something similar to what the others heard.

– From time to time you often take too much Tran de Möller when you have to mark your vision, and it seems that both of them have. They both seem to have been caught up in the situation, but since it hasn’t been that long, you usually manage to leave it behind if you want to cooperate, he says.

ALSO READ: Reacts after Lagerbäck’s alleged fight with Sørloth: – Desperate and childish by the head of Norway

Click the pic to enlarge.  Magne Lerø has made an offer for Dagsavisen.  The newspaper itself does not take the offer seriously.  File photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB scanpix

LEADERSHIP EXPERT: Magne Lerø doesn’t think the conflict has set Lagerbäck far back.
Photo: (NTB scanpix)


News of the conflict at one of the post-match players’ meetings from Serbia came after leaks to VG of the meeting.

John Arne Riise, Brede Hangeland, Markus Henriksen and Kjetil Rekdal are among those who have sounded the alarm about a culture within the national team, and in the end the NFF had to make a statement.

It’s an unusual administrative move, according to Lerø.

– The usual solution is to say “now nobody should say anything”. This is often something that leaders take for granted. So Lagerback chose to do what is not so common. He said “yes, that’s right, we had a conflict, we did not agree and I said things that I should not say at the time and that is usually the case,” he says before continuing.

– Then he admitted that they had a problem, but at the same time he made the problem smaller by being open about it, and that is the key when it comes to resolving a conflict. Either they can stand on both sides of the trench and criticize each other, or they can admit that they have a problem, but that they should be able to solve it.

However, he has noticed that the team of captains of Stefan Johansen, Omar Elabdellaoui and Joshua King have also sent out a press release, in which they are 100 percent behind Lagerbäck and Perry.

– Sørloth has expressed his opinions, but it is Lagerbäck who seems to have good support in the squad for what he has said. They really thought that Sørloth went too far there and then when he started something that could be perceived as quite a heated exchange of views. Sørloth has made his mark, but I suppose Lagerback is the type to say “okay, you’ve had your opinion and I’ve had mine, so let’s finish.” I think he has the authority to put the case behind him, because Sørloth has nothing to gain by continuing with this.

Lerø explains that it is quite common in conflicts for one of the parties to continue to defend what they believe despite the fact that both parties have had a voice.

– It is characteristic that each one has their own version, he says and assumes that Lagerbäck has no intention of continuing the conflict with his striker.

– It will be a small Sørloth pick, and it has made its mark. When it is clear that they do not agree, but can cooperate, the matter ends. He is the ball. If he wants to continue taking on the right, he will only play off the field, and I don’t think that interests him, he belongs to the national team.

However, the management expert says he was surprised when Sørloth, through his agent Morten Wivestad, moved in with a statement Thursday afternoon.

“I don’t know these people, but you might think Sørloth was better served by softening the case.” Instead, he chose what he actually said and how it was phrased. In that sense, it has given an input that the conflict can continue, he says.

However, he believes the conflict is now at a lower point than before.

– I would be very surprised if they do not manage to come out victorious from this, and if there is a statement where they say they have talked and ended the case.
