Nakstad strikes back on Oslo’s nightlife


The regulations on distance to restaurants state that restaurants must ensure that there is a meter between seats when guests arrive at the venue. However, it does not say that the club must ensure that the distance is maintained throughout the visit.

In a letter to the Ministry of Health and Care Services, the city of Oslo requests clarification. Until then, the municipality will not react to violations when it comes to distance, reports NRK.

– It is a state regulation, but it is clear that it is the municipality that enforces it. The subway rule will apply. We know that it is complicated in practice in some places, but in reality they have to comply. And it’s an important requirement, but we know it’s tough, City Council Leader Raymond Johansen tells TV 2.

– is demanding

If the rules are broken, it is up to the municipalities to sanction.

– If it is the case that the rules are deliberately broken, then of course you have a duty to provide information, a duty to provide guidance. If you have both the guideline informed and you break the rules, it is the municipality through the commercial agency that can come up with a temporary closure of the nightclub, says Johansen.

– What are you not sure of?

– Of course it is demanding. If you go anywhere and see in practice that you are complying, it turns out that the people who run the places say that it is difficult to stay open if you want to have the subway rule. But it’s clear to state officials that one must have, says Johansen.

– The rule is very clear

Deputy Health Director Espen Nakstad, for his part, believes the rule is very clear.

– It has probably been practiced in slightly different ways in many places in Norway. But the rule is very clear, and it’s in this COVID 19 regulation section 14a, if you want to read it yourself, Nakstad says.

– Says the catering industry should make sure there is at least one meter of distance between guests. Unless they live in the same house. And they should also have systems to inform their guests about remote meter maintenance.

He thinks it’s problematic that the rule is practiced differently across the country.

– It is problematic because we see cases of infection in clubs, and if you don’t keep that meter there, you run the risk of cases of infection. So there may be even stricter measures, and nobody wants that. So I think the entire restaurant industry benefits from following the rules, making sure that we don’t have any cases of infection in the restaurant industry.

– Then you can operate safely, and more customers will use that service and that offer if they know that it is good infection control, says Nakstad.
