Nakstad records record infection rates: –


– The figures are very worrying, because they confirm the growing trend of infection in Norway, which is only intensifying week after week, says deputy health director Espen Rostrup Nakstad at the Norwegian Health Directorate in Dagbladet.

– We see that there is an increase in infection rates, but also an increasing proportion of those who test positive. This means that the increase is not only due to many tests, but there is a real increase in society, he emphasizes.

NIPH: Measurements May Fail

NIPH: Measurements May Fail

Fear of increasing

In the last two days, more than 1,000 cases of infection have been registered in Norway.

– We fear that the increase will continue if people do not follow basic infection control advice to a greater extent than now, and we are dependent on new infection control measures being enforced in metropolitan regions, says Nakstad.

IT MUST BE MORE FLEXIBLE: People should get better at following infection control advice, Nakstad emphasizes. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB
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Among other things, infection rates are alarming in Oslo, Bergen and Drammen. The latter is now considering introducing “Oslo measures”, such as bandages on public transport and indoors in public places, to curb the spread, says Chief Physician John David Johannessen in Dagbladet Drammen Township.

– The infection situation is developing in a completely wrong way, says the deputy director of health.

Health director Bjørn Guldvog told VG on Monday that specific measures are being considered where the infection occurs and that, among other things, new restrictions on private gatherings are being considered.

SCENARIO OF TERROR: Deputy Health Director Espen Rostrup Nakstad answered people’s questions about the corona pandemic.
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– It can break

Nakstad is aware that the rest of Norway must also take its share of the work, and that more and more municipalities are reporting ongoing outbreaks, some of them large and severe. Inside, the municipalities of Våler and Åsnes reported on Monday that 53 of 82 samples tested positive, and the number of infected is increasing.

53 of 82 are positive

53 of 82 are positive

– Now there are outbreaks in many municipalities and many municipalities and there are also several ongoing outbreaks. This means that the entire infection monitoring and testing system, the so-called TISK strategy, is put on hold, risking collapse if the spread of the infection becomes too great.

WRONG WAY: The development of the infection in Norway is going in the wrong direction. The authorities will present the latest news at a press conference at 2.30 pm on Tuesday. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB
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If the spread gets too great, municipalities simply won’t be able to track everyone.

– If that happens, then we will be in a situation where we no longer know where the infection is spreading and we can no longer limit it by quarantining people. Then we will be in a situation like in March.

In March, the health authorities did not have an overview of the infection situation in Norway and therefore strong measures had to be implemented to achieve control.

– If that happened, therefore, much stricter measures would be needed than we have now, and that is why it is so important that people follow the infection control rules in November, and Bergen with how many people they have contact with at work and in his spare time, Nakstad emphasizes.
